“To serve the country with a pen and a sword”: a year has passed after demise of Army General Vyacheslav I. Trubnikov

April 18, 2023

MOSCOW. April, 18. PIR PRESS. “Vyacheslav [Trubnikov] has been with our non-governmental organization for many years, as a bright speaker, a participant in dozens of our events, projects, undertakings. Wherever we were together, from Montreux and Delhi to Abramtsevo and Zvenigorod, wherever we had to admire the colossal experience, diplomatic tact, and professional intuition of Gen. Trubnikov. And his ability to inspire the younger generation… I have no doubt that the younger generation will learn from the works of Gen. Trubnikov, will study and appropriately adopt his experience,” – Vladimir Orlov, PIR Center Founder and Director.

Exactly one year ago, on April 18, 2022, a dear friend and mentor of PIR Center passed away – General of the Army, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Hero of the Russian Federation, senior researcher at IMEMO RAS, member of the PIR Center Council and honorary member of the Trialogue Club International – Vyacheslav I. Trubnikov.

Gen. Vyacheslav Trubnikov spent 42 years in the public service of the Soviet Union and Russia – in the KGB of the USSR, the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He played an important role in the preparation of the first Open Report of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service The New Challenge after the Cold War: Proliferation of WMD (1993), made a significant contribution to maintaining Russia’s position in the field of international military-technical cooperation. He was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of the Red Star (twice), the Order of Belarus Francysk Skorina, 26 Soviet, Russian and foreign medals.

Vyacheslav I. Trubnikov was an amazing person, an excellent practical analyst and a recognized specialist, who used his research talent for the benefit of the Fatherland. His well-aimed and verified expert assessments have more than once served as a reliable support in the development of decisions at the highest level, becoming the basis for long-term predictive research.

Gen. Trubnikov considered the education of the younger generation to be no less important task, which was expressed through his openness to dialogue with the new generation of experts and practitioners. Vyacheslav Trubnikov readily expressed his own vision of the future of international relations and intelligence, promptly responded to the requests of young people.

The PIR Center remembers and honors the memory of Vyacheslav Trubnikov, who until the last day of his life participated in its activities and made an invaluable contribution to the scientific and analytical work of the organization. To perpetuate the memory of this great man, the PIR Center has created a Memory Gallery, where readers can get acquainted with the biography and publications of Gen. Trubnikov, as well as with the memories of colleagues and students about him.

E3/TSU – 04/23