№ 30, 2024. The PIR Center Day took place within the framework of the XXIII International School on Global Security

№ 29, 2024. PIR Center published a report «International Security Issues in BRICS Agenda. Overview and Policy Recommendations»

№ 7, 2024. «The proliferation of nuclear weapons is one of the most dangerous threats to global security. As more states acquire nuclear weapons, the world becomes less secure»: Interview with Dr. Vladimir Orlov by Trending Echoes Podcast

№ 27, 2024. Zvenigorod has hosted the first global launch of the new must-read for all security aficionados – Security Index Yearbook 2024-2025 Global Edition (in English)

PIR Calendar 2024: July

PIR Center Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary

PIR Center Publishes Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control. Digital Papers

PIR Center provides access to an English-language online course on nuclear nonproliferation and arms control

June 6, 2024

The Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP) has been under Ukrainian shelling for more than two years. Though Russia has urged the IAEA to condemn the attacks many times, no practical steps have been taken. Similarly, although neither the US nor the West is calling on Ukraine to stop attacking the NPP, they are also not seeking to condemn the Kiev regime, at least through the backchannels. [...]

June 6, 2024
Attacks on Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant: How to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism?
Arov, Sviatoslav A.
July 19, 2024

Dr. Vladimir Orlov, Founding Director of PIR Center, gave an interview for the Trending Echoes Podcast led by TRENDS Research & Advisory. During the interview, Dr. Orlov reflected on the importance of transparency and international cooperation to prevent nuclear proliferation, the challenges of non-signatory nations, potential new nuclear-armed states, the need for disarmament, and the significance of COP28 in the UAE for addressing climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. [...]

July 19, 2024
«The proliferation of nuclear weapons is one of the most dangerous threats to global security. As more states acquire nuclear weapons, the world becomes less secure»: Interview with Dr. Vladimir Orlov by Trending Echoes Podcast
Orlov, Vladimir A.

Security index

April 19, 2024

April 19, 2024
№2 (42), 2024. Dealing with the Royal Australian Navy’s SSN Capability: Risk Reduction Options
Ladanov, Vladimir V.
All posts
International Security
June 19, 2024

On June 6, the annual meeting of the well-known U.S. non-governmental organization, the Arms Control […]

June 19, 2024
PIR Report № 1, 2024. The annual meeting of the Arms Control Association has taken place: are changes in U.S. nuclear policy possible?
Zubenko, Alexandra S.
International Security
June 14, 2024

After the 2nd World War, the global community entered the bipolar age, with the United […]

June 14, 2024
№ 12, 2024. Deterring North Korea and Iran: Are Sanctions a Right Way Forward?
Sorokin, Maksim A.
Atomic Energy
June 7, 2024

In 2019, the European Commission approved an economic development strategy called The European Green Deal. […]

June 7, 2024
№ 11, 2024. European Conundrum: To Phase Out or Not to Phase Out Nuclear Industries?
Terpugova, Veronika A.

PIR Press News

All news
July 24, 2024

ZVENIGOROD. JULY 24, 2024. PIR PRESS. «Today, PIR Center is perceived as a leading Russian […]

July 24, 2024

№ 30, 2024. The PIR Center Day took place within the framework of the XXIII International School on Global Security

July 22, 2024

MOSCOW. JULY 22, 2024. PIR PRESS. «Today, under the Russian Chairship, BRICS activities cover an […]

July 22, 2024

№ 29, 2024. PIR Center published a report «International Security Issues in BRICS Agenda. Overview and Policy Recommendations»

July 17, 2024

MOSCOW. JULY 17, 2024. PIR PRESS. «Sergio Duarte, the president of the Pugwash Conferences on […]

July 17, 2024

№ 28, 2024. Ambassador Sergio Duarte: In Memoriam

July 8, 2024

ZVENIGOROD. JULY 8, 2024. PIR PRESS. «The Security Index Yearbook is unique in its format […]

July 8, 2024

№ 27, 2024. Zvenigorod has hosted the first global launch of the new must-read for all security aficionados – Security Index Yearbook 2024-2025 Global Edition (in English)

Nuclear Chronometer

The Additional Protocol I to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Tlatelolco Treaty) comes into force for the Netherlands.

July 26, 1971
May 29, 2024

Which of the following international treaties does not include the provisions on preventing the deployment of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in outer space? (1) Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1967) (2) Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1979) (3) Proposed Prevention of an Arms Race in Space (PAROS) Treaty (2008-present) (4) Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space (1963)

May 29, 2024
Which of the following international treaties does not include the provisions on preventing the deployment of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in outer space?


All courses
April 10, 2024

Online-course on nuclear nonproliferation and arms control

July 15, 2024

If Russia and the United States manage to find a way of addressing the missile defense problem they will be able to launch substantive dialogue on non-strategic nuclear weapons. One realistic option would be to undertake coordinated unilateral initiatives on nuclear weapons. Such initiatives would primarily involve the adoption and further enhancement of trilateral transparency measures (Russia, the United States, and NATO). In parallel with the implementation of these initiatives Russian and American specialists could work together on developing technical verification means and procedures for monitoring their nuclear warheads inventories [...]

July 15, 2024
«Prospects for U.S. and Russian Nuclear Cuts in View of NPT Article VI Commitments» — from an article of Dr. Evgeny Miasnikov for Security Index Occasional Paper Series, 2012
Miasnikov, Evgeny V.
July 4, 2024

There is a stereotype that the Russian Pivot to the East followed the Pivot from the West in 2023. The book analyzes the stages of building relations between Russia and Asian states since the early 2000s – particularly with India, China, the DPRK and South Korea, ASEAN countries, Japan, and Türkiye [...]

July 4, 2024
Asian Turn in Russian Foreign Politics: Achievements, Problems, and Prospects
Arov, Sviatoslav A.

№ 2, 2024. Does the possession of nuclear weapons provide a guarantee of the security of a State? (24/05/29)
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PIR Toast

July 5, 2024

On behalf of PIR Center, we wish our friends and colleagues a happy birthday! We […]

July 5, 2024

PIR Center congratulates friends and colleagues who celebrated their birthdays in June!

PIR Center Partners