Barsky, Kirill M.

Barsky, Kirill M.

Affiliation :
MGIMO University
Head of Department of Diplomacy Studies
History of Russian diplomacy, international relations, Chinese studies, foreign policy of China, security in Asia-Pacific region

PhD in History. Joined diplomatic service in 1989. Since then, he has occupied various positions in the Soviet/Russian Foreign Ministry Headquarter, at the Embassy of the USSR/Russia in the Peoples’ Republic of China and Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in New York. In 2004-2008, he was Minister-Counselor at the Embassy of Russia in the Republic of Indonesia. In 2008-2011, he was Deputy Director of the Department of Asian and Pacific Cooperation at the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2011-2014, he was Special Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Affairs. In 2014-2018, he served as Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of Thailand and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok. Upon his return to Moscow in February 2019 he was appointed Ambassador-at-Large at the Russian Foreign Ministry in charge of promotion of the Greater Eurasian Partnership initiative and building connectivity between the Eurasian Economic Union and China’s Belt and Road initiative in the Eurasian continent. In 2020-2022, he was Russia’s Senior Official for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC). In July 2022, Ambassador Barsky was appointed Acting Head of Department of Diplomacy at MGIMO University. Since October 2023 – Head of Department of Diplomacy. Vice-Chairman of the Russia-China Friendship Society, Member of Russian Writers’ Union, Member of Board of Russia’s Diplomats Association, Member of Board of Trustees of the Institute of China and Modern Asian Studies of the Russia’s Academy of Science, Member of Board of Trustees of Chinese Language Teachers Association. Author of numerous articles on history, culture, domestic and foreign policy of China, security in the Asia Pacific region and Russia’s diplomatic history, as well as books of poetry and prose.

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