№ 21, 2024. The Future of Strategic Stability and Arms Control Were Discussed at the 122nd Summer Session of the “Trialogue” Club International

May 21, 2024

MOSCOW. MAY 21, 2024. PIR PRESS. «The geopolitical dynamics of recent decades have contributed to the fact that we have begun to approach the concept of strategic stability much more broadly than had been previously accepted. Comprehensively, taking into account the whole variety of possible threats and challenges. We are not limited to the previous focus only on nuclear weapons, but proceed from the inextricable relationship between strategic weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction, as well as with conventional ones, and in all operational spaces», — H.E. Oleg Stepanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Canada, Member of PIR Center’s Advisory Board.

On May 15, 2024, the 122nd Summer Session of the Trialogue Club International on the topic “Assessing Strategic Stability and Arms Control in the New International Environment” took place in Moscow.

Traditionally, Dr. Vladimir Orlov, Founding President of the Trialogue Club International, Founding Director of PIR Center, Professor at MGIMO University, delivered his welcoming remarks. During the speech, Dr. Orlov assessed the importance of maintaining strategic stability in the context of unprecedented aggravation of the international situation, as well as presented the main news based on the educational and scientific activities of PIR Center.

The Session was held in a panel discussion format. The keynote speakers were Gen. Evgeny Buzhinskiy, Co-Chair of the Trialogue Club International, Chairman of PIR Center’s Executive Board; Dr. Andrey Malov, Member of PIR Center’s Advisory Board; Dr. Vladimir Orlov, Founding President of the Trialogue Club International, Founding Director of PIR Center, Professor at MGIMO University; and H.E. Oleg Stepanov, Member of PIR Center’s Advisory Board, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Canada, Director of Foreign Policy Planning Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (2016-2021).

After the main speeches, a traditional Q&A session took place. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Elena Chernenko, Co-Chair of the Trialogue Club International, Special Correspondent of the Kommersant Daily, member of PIR Center’s Executive Board. The agenda discussed aroused great interest among the audience. In particular, the high-ranking representatives of foreign countries shared their opinions on the issue. The meeting of the Trialogue Club International was held under Chatham House rules. Following the Session, the Club members and special guests were invited to an informal reception, during which they continued discussing the critical issues of the international agenda.

The Session was attended by permanent members and special guests of the Trialogue Club International. Among them, in particular, were representatives of military and/or political departments of Finland, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkmenistan, the US in Russia, the Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Moscow, etc., as well as domestic experts and analysts.

If you need any further information about Trialogue Club International, fees, terms, and conditions of membership, please contact the Club’s Executive Secretary, Ms. Elena Karnaukhova, by email: secretary@trialogue-club.ru. You can also find more detailed information about the Club on the website www.trialogue-club.ru.

Key words: Trialogue Club, Strategic Stability, Arms Control


E16/MIN – 24/05/21