№ 25, 2024. The XXIII International School on Global Security has officially started

June 23, 2024

ZVENIGOROD. JUNE 23, 2024. PIR PRESS. «Over the past three decades, PIR Center has become one of the leading Russian non-governmental organizations, focusing on nuclear non-proliferation, global and regional security, countering emerging security challenges and threats, and an authoritative partner for many governmental institutions, including the Federation Council. The projects undertaken by PIR Center are always practice-oriented and substantive, which makes them an essential tool for all international relations experts. “Done by PIR Center” is, one might say, a “quality mark” based on the highly professional experience and expertise of everyone involved in the work of PIR Center», – Konstantin Kosachev, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council.

On June 23, 2024, the XXIII PIR Center International School on Global Security officially started at the Tatiana Provence Hotel in Zvenigorod. Dr. Vladimir Orlov, Founding Director of PIR Center and Professor at MGIMO University, welcomed the School participants during the opening ceremony.

“What is security? The absence of danger or threat … or the reduction and minimization of possible threats. Speculating about a completely secure world is like discussing the end of history. It is indeed a deliberate misconception. There will never be absolute security. The world will always face new challenges and threats, and we will address them throughout the School. Please communicate with the lecturers and experts and remove your shyness. Similarly, the more you communicate with each other, the more I will be glad. We look forward to an extensive and exciting program. Welcome!”, – Dr. Vladimir Orlov noted.

During the welcoming speech, Dr. Vladimir Orlov also shared an address (in Russian) by Konstantin Kosachev, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council, to PIR Center on the occasion of its 30th anniversary.

This year, the International School on Global Security hosts young international relations experts from Russia, Belarus, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Tajikistan, France, and Sweden. Diplomats, officers, researchers, analysts, teachers, lecturers, and students are among the participants. Traditionally, during the official opening, the participants introduced themselves, discussed their interests and goals in participating in the School, and demonstrated high motivation to learn and understand the most pressing issues on the international agenda.

“This time, we have again gathered a bright group of students. I do not doubt that you will intellectually enrich each other and have a productive time together. I wish you all to make the most of your stay in Zvenigorod in terms of gaining knowledge, communicating with each other and lecturers, and in terms of recreation and leisure, if you have free time, taking into account the intensity of our educational program”, – Elena Karnaukhova, PIR Center Deputy Director – Education and Training Program Director, Executive Secretary of the XXIII PIR Center International School on Global Security, mentioned.

The lecture “Is everything horrible? The military-political situation in the world and the factors of its aggravation” by Dr. Igor Istomin, Head of the Department of Applied Analysis of International Problems, MGIMO University, Member of PIR Center Advisory Board, has launched the educational program of the School. In his speech, Dr. Igor Istomin focused on the specifics of the changing world order in the past and the particulars of current transformational processes on the global stage, as well as explanations of the causes of the outbreak of military conflicts, the influence of allies on the aggravation of interstate tensions, and scenarios of further escalation in the future.

Subsequently, the two traditional classes by Dr. Ekaterina Stepanova, Head of the Group on Peace and Conflict Studies of IMEMO RAS, PIR Center Executive Board member, took place:

  1. The lecture on “Armed conflicts today and the dynamics of violence: the critical trends”;
  2. The seminar on “Peace processes.”

“On the very first day, after the paternally mentoring introductory lesson by Dr. Vladimir Orlov, the participants were able to plunge with Dr. Istomin into the analysis of the most complex transformational processes, primarily in the field of security, that the world is experiencing today, as well as to analyze, together with Dr. Stepanova, the trends of modern armed conflicts and the essence of peace processes. I admire the rich and distinctive features of open debates and the opportunity for high-quality discussion with the lecturers and other School participants. In such debates, young international relations experts can approach the issues of interest to understand better the processes taking place in the world and thereby bring our knowledge to a qualitatively new level”, – Alexander Lavrov, a participant of the XXIII International School on Global Security, noted.

In the following days, the participants of the School will have classes on arms control, nuclear nonproliferation, prospects for peaceful nuclear energy and the situation on the world uranium market, issues related to biological and chemical weapons, militarization and weaponization of outer space, new technologies and their impact on international relations, transformation of the military and political situation in the world, the role of allies and regional associations, as well as on Russian foreign and defense policy. The 2024 program also involves hiking in the surroundings of Zvenigorod and acting training for international relations specialists. Furthermore, we want to remind you about the upcoming PIR Center Day on June 29.

The XXIII International School on Global Security is organized in cooperation with the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund and MGIMO University as part of the joint project “Global Security, Strategic Stability, and Arms Control” under the auspices of the “Priority-2030” Strategic Academic Leadership Program.

Key words: School 2024


F4/SOR – 24/06/23