Security Index Yearbook 2024-2025 by PIR&MGIMO Vol.1 Digital Edition is available online on our website!

More information and news about the Security Index Yearbook is available here!

This handbook is a unique collection of analytical materials on the most burning issues of the global and regional agendas in the times of growing international tension and Russian approaches to them. This volume highlights the issues of global concern such as international terrorism, nuclear weapons and strategic arms control agenda, nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, new types of conventional weapons, space security, cyber diplomacy. In terms of regional security, it concentrates on Russia-China relations, Middle East, Russia-Iran relations, the assessment of BRICS prospects, new developments in the relations between Russia and African countries, security dialogue between Russia and the states of Latin America, to mention just a few. It also contains book reviews and the chronology of recent events in global and regional security.

Security Index Yearbook is designed above all for foreign expert community, decision makers, think tanks, business circles and specialists in Russian studies, as well as those who just want to get a fresh look at the Russian foreign and defense policy, Russia’s activities on global arena and threats perception. Security Index Yearbook is a contribution to a better understanding of global developments and what stand Russia takes on them.

Published by MGIMO University and PIR Center Consortium in 2024 under the auspices of the Priority-2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program.

F4/SOR – 24/10/28