PIR Center’s 30th anniversary

Founded on April 30, 1994, PIR Center today has reached a milestone, celebrating its 30th anniversary as a leading Russian nongovernmental organization dealing with international security agenda.

“PIR is a Russian synonym to longevity, — jokes Dr. Vladimir Orlov, PIR Center Founding Director and professor at MGIMO University, — Most other NGOs have passed away”. However, PIR Center is not sitting on the fence. When celebrating our 30th anniversary, we firmly commit to our goals and mission and work hard even during weekends.

PIR Center’s project portfolio is based on five programs: Nuclear Nonproliferation and Russia Program; Global and Regional Security: New Ideas for Russia Program; Education & Training Program; Information & Publications Program; and Partnerships & Networking Program. Since its foundation in 1994, PIR Center has been conducting substantial research, consulting, educational, publishing, and organizational, including project management, work. As an independent think-tank, PIR Center is engaged in various formats of policy discussions on the most urgent topics of global and regional security agenda. Therefore, PIR Center’s status has been recognized by the United Nations with its consultative ECOSOC status (since 2010) and by the Russian Government, which has granted PIR Center the privileged status of a socially oriented NGO (SONKO) (since 2020).

Taking this opportunity, PIR Center expresses gratitude to our partners, as well as numerous friends and colleagues for their trust and support in the implementation of research, educational, informational, and analytical projects on nuclear nonproliferation, disarmament, and global and regional security. The 30th anniversary is an excellent opportunity to set new goals and plans for strengthening and maintaining international security. We work tirelessly and look ahead with confidence.