Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Stefanovich, Dmitry V.) Figure 3. Estimated Global Nuclear Warhead Inventories 1945-2023 (2023).
Source: Federation of American Scientists ( Figure 4. Nuclear Use Options (2023).
Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Stefanovich, Dmitry V.) Figure 5. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Milestones (2023).
Source: PIR Center. Compiled by PIR Center based on open sources (Semenov, Sergey D.) Figure 6. The Countries with the Largest Number of Nuclear Reactors. Number of Operational Reactor Units by Country (as of February 2024).
Source: Compiled by PIR Center based on PRIS IAEA, 2024 (Ubeev, Aleksey V.)
Source: PRIS IAEA ( Figure 7. Nuclear Reactors Life Time (2024).
Source: IAEA ( Figure 8. New Types of Conventional Weapons (2023).
Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Stefanovich, Dmitry V.) Figure 9. Space Enterprise Competition Effects (2023).
Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Stefanovich, Dmitry V.) Figure 10. Boogeyman First Strike Scenario (2023).
Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Stefanovich, Dmitry V.) Figure 11. Russia’s Avangard Hypersonic Missile System (2023).
Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Stefanovich, Dmitry V.) Figure 15. Countries with at least One Satellite (2023).
Source: United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs ( Figure 16. Outer Space Treaty (2023).
Source: Compiled by PIR Center based on United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs; Britannica.
Sources: UNOOSA (; Britannica ( Figure 17. Top 10 Deadliest Terrorist Groups in the World (2022).
Source: Compiled by Valdai Discussion Club.
Source: Valdai Discussion Club ( Figure 18. Country Presence and the Competition between ISIS and Al-Qaeda (2023).
Source: Compiled by the author based on the Global Terrorism Index (Tsukanov, Leonid V.)
Source: Vision of Humanity ( Figure 19. Dynamics of Terrorist Attacks in Cyberspace (2001-2022).
Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Tsukanov, Leonid V.)