Figure 20. Trade between Russia and China (2013-2023).

Sources: Compiled by PIR Center based on open sources.

Sources: RBC (; Russian Trade (; Rambler. Finance (

Figure 21. Trade between Russia and the Middle East Countries: 2022 to 2021 (percent of growth) (2023).

Sources: Compiled by PIR Center based on open sources.

Sources: TASS (; (; RIA News (; Interfax (; RIA News (

Figure 22. International North-South Transport Corridor (2023).

Source: Valdai Discussion Club

Figure 23. Reserves of Natural Resources: Africa and the World (2023).

Sources: Compiled by PIR Center based on the United Nations.

Source: UNEP

Figure 24. Trade between Russia and African Countries (as of March 2022).

Sources: Compiled by PIR Center based on the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia

Figure 25. Russia’s Export to Latin America (as of 2020).

Sources: Compiled by PIR Center based on BACI DATABASE.

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Figure 26. Number of Warheads in the Arsenals of the US and Russia (2023).

Source: 2023 SIPRI Yearbook

F4/SOR – 24/08/15