Figure 27. A New Nuclear Nine? Countries and Territories with Largest Potential to Acquire Nuclear Weapons (2023).
Source: Compiled by PIR Center.
Source: PIR Center ( Figure 28. Countries’ Potential to Acquire Nuclear Weapons in the Middle Term (2023).
Source: Compiled by PIR Center.
Source: PIR Center ( Figure 29. Armed Forces Strength in Select Developed Countries (2023).
Source: Compiled by the author based on Military Balance 2023 (Ladanov, Vladimir V.)
Source: Military Balance 2023 ( 0-8001) Figure 30. Armed Forces Personnel (Active and Reserve) as Percentage of Population in Select Developed Countries (2023).
Source: Compiled by the author based on Military Balance 2023 (Ladanov, Vladimir V.)
Source: Military Balance 2023 ( Figure 31. Number of France’s Nuclear Warheads (1991-2023).
Source: Compiled by the author based on SIPRI (Zubenko, Alexandra S.)
Source: SIPRI YEARBOOK 2021 ( Figure 32. Chronology of the INF Treaty (2023).
Source: Compiled by PIR Center based on open sources (Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty) and missile defense in Europe) Figure 33. Implementation of the INF Treaty (2023).
Source: Compiled by PIR Center based on the Ministry of Defense of The Russian Federation.
Source: Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (