Map 1. Estimated Global Nuclear Warhead Inventories, 2023.

Source: Federation of American Scientists

Map 2. US Nuclear Weapons in Europe.

Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Semenov, Sergey D.)

Map 3. Countries that Signed Bilateral Treaties on Cooperation in International Information Security with Russia.

Source: Compiled by PIR Center based on the official documents published by the Russian Foreign Ministry (Chernenko, Elena V.)

Source: Russian Foreign Ministry

Map 4. Terrorist Threat Level, Breakdown by Countries.

Source: Compiled by the author based on the Global Terrorism Index, corrected by the Author as of September 2023 (Tsukanov, Leonid V.)

Source: Vision of Humanity

Map 5. Areas of Significant Activity of Main Opposing Forces in Afghanistan (as of August 2023).

Source: PIR Center. Compiled by the author based on open sources (Tsukanov, Leonid V.)

F4/SOR – 24/08/15