Annex 2. Maps

August 15, 2024

Map 19. Map of World States’ Nuclear Status.

Source: Compiled by PIR Center based on open sources (Orlov, Vladimir A., Semenov, Sergey D.)

Map 20. Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones.

Source: Compiled by PIR Center based on open sources (Orlov, Vladimir A., Semenov, Sergey D.)

Map 21. Security in Eurasia.

Source: Compiled by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

Source: Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Map 22. US Nuclear Weapons in Europe.

Source: Compiled by Sputnik based on SIPRI, Center for Arms Control
and Non-Proliferation, and Public data.

Map 23. Where Did the US Set up Its Military Bases?

Source: Compiled by Sputnik based on public sources.

Source: Sputnik

F4/SOR – 24/08/15