Ambassador Roland Timerbaev’s Birthday

On September 27, 1927, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Roland Mikhailovich Timerbaev was born. A man who, until the last days of his life, inspired us, with whom we, the “PIRovets”, regularly “checked the clock”. Ambassador Roland Timerbaev was well-known as a founding father of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1968, which is by now one of the most crucial elements of the international security architecture. He was one of the leading nuclear nonproliferation experts and a member of the Soviet delegations at the negotiations on developing the regulatory framework within the nuclear nonproliferation and arms control regimes. He was a prominent diplomat, a good friend, and a reliable colleague — the list of words that can describe Ambassador Timerbaev is infinite.

It is indispensable to emphasize his invaluable contribution to the development of PIR Center. From 1994 to 1998, Roland Timerbaev performed the duties of PIR Center President. From 1999 to 2010, he was a member of PIR Center Executive Board, and later, till the end of his days, Ambassador Timerbaev was a member of PIR Center Advisory Board. PIR Center reveres the memory of Roland Timerbaev, whose name is known and remembered not only in Russia but worldwide, and PIR Center will continue preserving his legacy.