PIR Center Midweek Brainstorming Session on the topic “Key Players in the Global Nuclear Submarines (SSN) Market and Their Export Models”

On November 2, 2023, PIR Center will hold an expert seminar on the topic Key Players in the Global Nuclear Submarines (SSN) Market and Their Export Models“.

So far, six of the nine nuclear-weapon states have nuclear submarines of various purposes. There is increasing interest in the development of submarines by non-nuclear-weapon states. Further expansion of the nuclear submarine market poses a challenge to the international nuclear nonproliferation regime.

Roman Kalinin, an intern of the PIR Center’s Nuclear Nonproliferation and Russia Program, will present a paper analyzing the strategy and composition of the submarine fleets of Brazil, France, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, China, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Korea, and the United States. Based on the cases examined, the main strategies of market behavior and threats to the nuclear nonproliferation regime are identified.

The Midweek Brainstorming Session will be held from 05:30 to 07:00 pm (Moscow Time Zone, GMT +3) via Teams platform in Russian. To take part in the seminar, you need to fill in the registration form at the link till October 31, 2023.

In case of any questions please contact Ms. Elena Karnaukhova, PIR Center Deputy Director-Education & Training Program Director, at karnaukhova@pircenter.org.

Key words: Nuclear Nonproliferation; Global Security