XXIII PIR Center International School on Global Security

The event will be held on June 22-30, 2024, in Zvenigorod, Moscow region. 

PIR Center International School on Global Security is an educational platform where young specialists in international relations domain from Russia and abroad have the opportunity to gain new knowledge and get acquainted with new partners, colleagues, and friends. This PIR Center educational project has been implemented since 2001. During these years, the School has proved to be a highly effective tool for updating knowledge on modern challenges and threats to global and regional security and ways to overcome them, for professional and career growth, as well as for establishing business relations to jointly implement international projects.

The curriculum of the School in 2024 will include lectures, seminars, trainings, business cases, debates, panel discussions, situational analyses, meetings with officials, etc.

The main thematic areas of the XXIII PIR Center International School on Global Security:

  • Three pillars of the nuclear nonproliferation regime; 
  • The role of the chemical and biological weapons in world politics; 
  • The problem of the breakdown of the arms control regime and the phenomenon of nuclear deterrence; 
  • Modern cyberthreats and tools to counter challenges in the information sphere; 
  • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT);
  • The impact of new technologies on regional and global security, warfare, and the development of states and societies; 
  • Trends in contemporary armed conflicts and peace processes; 
  • The phenomenon of hybrid wars and transnational security threats; 
  • Key actors of global and regional security and their peculiarities;
  • Many other things!