Antipov, Sergey V.

Antipov, Sergey V.

Nuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAS)
Deputy Director of Strategic Planning and Project Management of Radiological Security
Nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, physical protection, nuclear material accounting and control issues,
nuclear submarine dismantlement issues within the program "Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction"

Doctor of Technical Sciences. PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Born on October 11, 1948.

In 1972, after graduating from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (now the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) with a degree in Experimental Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics, Sergey V. Antipov got a job in the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. In 1996, he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy. Since 1994 he has been the coordinating director of the project “Nonproliferation”, I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. Sergey V. Antipov led the work on physical protection, control and accounting of nuclear materials not only in the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, but also at the facilities of the Naval and Nuclear Icebreaking Fleet of the Russian Federation. In 2002, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation with the assignment to organize the process of disposal of nuclear submarines decommissioned from the Russian Navy, which is one of the main directions of the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction. Sergey V. Antipov personally participated in the preparation and signing of a number of bilateral intergovernmental agreements with the participating countries of the Global Partnership. On behalf of the Russian side, he was appointed co-chair of intergovernmental commissions on agreements with Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Norway. Following the results of work in 2014, Sergey V. Antipov being the part of the team was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.

In recent years, Sergey V. Antipov has been actively engaged in research on the problem of flooded nuclear and radiation-hazardous facilities in the Arctic, their potential danger to the environment and economic activity in the region. He has published more than 140 printed works in collaboration with colleagues.

PIR Center Advisory Board Member since 2004.


  • Антипов С.В. Последствия эксплуатации и утилизации кораблей и судов атомного военного флота // Проблемы ядерного наследия и пути их решения. Том 1 / Под ред. Е.В. Евстратова, А.М. Агапова, Н.П. Лаверова, Л.А. Большова, И.И. Линге. М.: Энергопроманалитика, 2012. — 356 с.
  • Антипов С.В. Ядерное наследие в институтах Российской академии наук // Проблемы ядерного наследия и пути их решения. Том 1 / Под ред. Е.В. Евстратова, А.М. Агапова, Н.П. Лаверова, Л.А. Большова, И.И. Линге. М.: Энергопроманалитика, 2012. — 356 с.
  • Антипов С.В., Богатов С.А., Высоцкий В.Л., Киселев В.П., Одинов Б.В. Направления совершенствования системы радиационного мониторинга и аварийного реагирования в свете утилизации радиационно-опасных объектов ВМФ в Дальневосточном регионе // Вопросы утилизации АПЛ. 2009. № 2.
  • Нераспространение и атомная энергетика / Под. ред. Н.Н. Пономарева-Степного. М.: ИздАт, 2008. — 150 с.
  • Антипов С.В., Мелков Е.С., Пономарев-Степной Н.Н., Сухоручкин В.К. Кольский учебно-технический центр Военно-Морского Флота Российской Федерации // Доклад на Международном семинаре РАН и Национальной академии наук США «Будущее ядерной безопасности до 2015 г.». Вена, 2007.

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