Iakovleva, Elena S.

Iakovleva, Elena S.

St. Petersburg
master student (St. Petersburg State University)
geopolitics of the Black Sea region, international security, Russian-Turkish relations, Russia-NATO relations.

Master’s student at St. Petersburg State University («Master in International Relatoins»), bachelor’s degree in international relations at the State Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod named after Nikolai Dobrolyubov.

Finalist of the V International competition of scientific and analytical works on the Middle East named after Evgeniy Primakov (Moscow, 2022), winner of the XXV Nizhny Novgorod session of young scientists (Nizhny Novgorod, 2020).

Graduate of the educational program of the Gorchakov Fund “Dialogue for the Future” (Moscow, 2022), the International School «Eurasian Security» (Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 2021), the International School for Euro-Atlantic Security «Winter Academy» (Berlin, Germany, 2020), as well as the International Schools of CIRP «The Arctic in the period of geopolitical changes» (Veliky Novgorod, 2023) and «The Black Sea region in the context of a new geopolitical reality» (Leningrad region, 2022).

Took part in the V Youth Session of the Primakov Readings (Moscow, 2022), the International Conference «Public Diplomacy of Great and Regional Powers in the Black Sea-Mediterranean Region» (Moscow, 2022), the XI International Forum of MGIMO «Migration Bridges in Eurasia» (Moscow, 2019), the Conference «Socio-political and historical-cultural aspects of the current geopolitical situation» (Sochi, 2018), the annual research conferences “Lomonosov” (Moscow, 2018, 2019, 2020), etc.

Has a number of scientific publications, speaks Russian, English, German and Turkish.

E3/TSU – 03/23