Juraev, Shakhboz A.

Juraev, Shakhboz A.

Independent expert
cybersecurity policy, technology policy, artificial intelligence, information security, the Middle East

Independent expert.

Got his bachelor’s degree in World politics at the University of Economy and Diplomacy in 2020. Graduated Master of Management at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University in 2022.

Author of the book «Hybrid Strategy of Cybersecurity: The Role of Information Technology Companies in Chinese Cybersecurity Policy». Member of the Ural Young Middle East Researchers Association.

Prize-laureate of the «V International contest of research and analytical papers on the Middle East in honor of Evgeniy Maksimovich Primakov» (2022).

Participated in conferences: «V Primakov Readings Youth Session» (2022), «Future systems of international security. With or without NATO?» (2019), International students’ symposium: «Russia in the world: history, modernity, prospects» (2019), «The III International contest of research and analytical papers on the Middle East in honor of Evgeniy Maksimovich Primakov» (2019) and «Central Asia in a new development era: political dimensions, challenges, and opportunities» (2017) and othe international scientifc events.

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