Parkhalina, Tatiana G.

Parkhalina, Tatiana G.

Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAS)
Advisor to Director
European security,
European integration processes,
foreign policy of Russia and Western European countries

PhD in History.

Born on June 11, 1950.

In 1973, Tatiana G. Parkhalina graduated from MGIMO University. In 1982, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Franco-American Relations in the Western Mediterranean”. She began her career at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Since 1974, she has been working at the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the analytical bulletin “European Security: Events, Assessments, Forecasts” and the scientific journal “Current Problems of Europe”. Since 2003, she has been a Member of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 2004–2013, she was the Vice-President of the Association of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation. In 2005–2014, she was the Director of the Center for European Security. In 2006–2009, she was a Member of the Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Since 2010, Tatiana G. Parkhalina has been the Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since 2014, she had been the President of the Association of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation. Since 2016, she has been a Member of the Coordinating Council of the expert-analytical group “European Dialogue”. She was awarded the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain (2014), the National Order of Merit of the French Republic (2015), the Jan Masaryk Medal of Honor for her long-term work in the development of democratic traditions and security dialogue between Russia and the EU countries (2017).

PIR Center Advisory Board Member since 2002. 


  • Афганистан в 2014 г. и после: пространство возможностей или нависшая опасность // Индекс Безопасности. 2014. Т. 20. № 2 (109). С. 87–104.
  • Пархалина Т.Г. Россия — НАТО: десять лет спустя // Европейская безопасность: события, оценки, прогнозы. 2007. № 8 (24). С. 11–13.
  • Иммигранты в Европе: проблемы социальной и культурной адаптации / Под ред. Т.Г. Пархалиной. М.: ИНИОН РАН, 2006. — 225 с. 
  • Пархалина Т.Г. Россия в системе европейской безопасности // Европа перемен: концепции и стратегии интеграционных процессов / Под ред. Л.И. Глухарева. М.: Крафт+, 2006. — 352 с.
  • Пархалина Т.Г. Новые вызовы безопасности и роль НАТО // Мир перемен. 2005. № 3. С. 73–80.
  • Пархалина Т.Г. Отношения Россия — НАТО: Проблемы и перспективы // Актуальные проблемы Европы. 2004. № 4. С. 114–134.
  • Пархалина Т.Г. Экономическое измерение внешней политики России // Россия и современный мир. 2003. № 4 (41). С. 44–49.
  • Пархалина Т.Г. Европейская безопасность: мифы и реалии // Вестник Европы. 2002. №5.
  • Пархалина Т.Г. О природе трансатлантических отношений на современном этапе развития // Актуальные проблемы Европы. 2002. № 4. С. 9–12.
  • Пархалина Т.Г. Россия и Европейский Союз: проблемы сотрудничества // Полития. 2000. № 2. С. 170–177. 

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