Sinaysky, Alexander S. (1953-2024)

Sinaysky, Alexander S. (1953-2024)

Luanda, Angola
Lieutenant-General (ret.)

Doctor of Political Sciences. Professor.

Born on June 10, 1953.

Since 1969, Alexander S. Sinaysky he has been serving in the Armed Forces of the USSR/Russia. In 1973, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School. In 1973–1978, he served as the Deputy Company Commander and the Deputy Battalion Commander of the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Motor Rifle Division. In 1981, he graduated from the Combined Arms Department of the Lenin Military-Political Academy. In 1984 — adjunct, in 1992 — doctoral studies of the Department of International Relations of the Lenin Military-Political Academy. In 1993, he graduated from the Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies, London, UK. Alexander S. Sinaysky taught at the Department of International Relations of the Lenin Military-Political Academy, and was also the Head of the Department of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Deputy Head of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for academic and scientific work. Since 1992, Alexander S. Sinaysky has been in the military-diplomatic service. Since 1999, he has been the Secretary of the Council of the CIS Defence Ministers. He is a Full Member of the Academy of Military Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

PIR Center Advisory Board Member since 2014 to 2024.

F11/MIN – 03/23