Slipchenko, Victor S.

Slipchenko, Victor S.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoy (ret.),
Former Expert of the UN Security Council on nonproliferation issues

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoy (ret.).

Born on February 19, 1945.

In 1968, Victor S. Slipchenko graduated with honors from MGIMO University. In 1968–2009, he worked at the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR/Russian Federation, as well as abroad. For 15 years he worked at the UN Secretariat in New York and Geneva. Victor S. Slipchenko is an Honorary Employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He has repeatedly participated in arms control and nonproliferation negotiations. In 2005–2009, Victor S. Slipchenko was an Expert of the Committee on WMD Nonproliferation of the UN Security Council. He has state awards. Author of numerous publications on disarmament and nonproliferation in domestic and foreign publications. Author of the book of memoirs “One Life of a Disarmament Diplomat”.

PIR Center Advisory Board Member since 2022.


  • Слипченко В.С. Одна жизнь дипломата-разоруженца: памятные записки или записки по памяти. М.: Memories, 2009. — 112 с.

F11/MIN – 03/23