Tuzmukhamedov, Bakhtiyar R.

Tuzmukhamedov, Bakhtiyar R.

Russian Association of International Law
Professor of International Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the Russian Association of International Law, Member of the International Committee against Torture

PhD in Law.

Born on March 30, 1955.

In 1977, Bakhtiyar R. Tuzmukhamedov graduated from the International Law School of MGIMO University. In 1994, he graduated from Harvard Law School, Cambridge, USA.

In 1992–2016, Bakhtiyar R. Tuzmukhamedov was an officer-in-charge in the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. In 2009, he was appointed as a trial judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. In 2012–2015, he was a judge of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia. In 2016–2018 he was a leading researcher at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 2019–2021, he was an Ad hoc judge of the ECHR in the case “Ukraine v. Russian Federation”.

At various times Bakhtiyar R. Tuzmukhamedov was an advisor to the delegations of the USSR/Russia in the UN Special Committee on the Indian Ocean and in the UN Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, a civil affairs officer in the UN Forces in the Former Yugoslavia, a member of the expert group of the UN Institute for Disarmament Research, a member of the expert group on the study of the norms of customary international humanitarian law conducted under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), an invited independent expert on lethal autonomous weapons systems, etc. He taught at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation/USSR, Moscow State Linguistic University, Académie de droit international de La Haye, the Netherlands, the University of Virginia School of Lawin, USA. He has also lectured at other universities in Russia and abroad. He is a member of the American and European Societies of International Law, a member of the Council of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL), Sanremo, Italy, co-founder and member of the Council of the Award “International Law in the XXI century”, he is also a member of a number of other professional associations. In 1997–2020, he was a member of the Editorial Board, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Moscow Journal of International Law. Today Bakhtiyar R. Tuzmukhamedov is a member of the Editorial Boards of the Russian Yearbook of International Law and the International Review of the Red Cross. He has state awards, awards of departments (the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) and public organizations.

PIR Center Advisory Board Member since 2001.


  • Тузмухамедов Б.Р. Институты мониторинга соблюдения международного гуманитарного права // Международный правовой курьер. Электронное сетевое издание. 2021.
  • Тузмухамедов Б.Р. Правовая скорлупа для безъядерной иллюзии. О бесполезности и некоторой пользе Договора о запрещении ядерного оружия // Россия в глобальной политике. 2021. № 2.
  • Tuzmukhamedov B. Power Politics, International Law, and Global Security, Ch.50 The Russian Federation // The Oxford Handbook of the International Law of Global Security / Edited by R. Geiß, N. Melzer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. — 1200 p. 
  • Tuzmukhamedov B. Constitutional Authority for the Transboundary Deployment of Armed Force // The Restatement and Beyond: The Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Foreign Relations Law / Edited by P.B. Stephan, S.A. Cleveland. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. — 600 p. 

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