A Meeting Between Dr. Vladimir Orlov, PIR Center Founding Director, Professor at MGIMO University, and H.E. Timur Zabirov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the UAE, took place in Abu Dhabi

February 7, 2024

ABU DHABI. FEBRUARY 7, 2024. PIR PRESS. «I was welcomed in Abu Dhabi by H.E. Timur Zabirov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the UAE. It’s not my first time at our Embassy in the UAE. I always note the hospitality, goodwill, and the focus on constructive approach»*, — Dr. Vladimir Orlov, PIR Center Founding Director, Professor at MGIMO University.

On February 2, 2024, Dr. Vladimir Orlov, PIR Center Founding Director, professor at MGIMO University, met with H.E. Timur Zabirov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the UAE. The meeting took place at the Russian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

During the meeting, Dr. Vladimir Orlov presented the PIR Center and MGIMO University report On Both Sides of the Persian Gulf: The Development of High-Tech Business in the Region and Russia’s Interests, prepared within the framework of the joint project Global Security, Strategic Stability, and Arms Control under the auspices of the Priority-2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program.

The meeting also addressed issues related to information and analytical support of relations between Russia and the Gulf states, conducting educational and training events dedicated to the Persian Gulf region and the UAE, in particular.

*The source of the quote by Dr. Vladimir Orlov is his authorial Telegram channel Sobesednik-Na-Piru (In Russian).

Key words: Persian Gulf; High-Tech; Global Security


E16/MIN – 24/02/20