Status: Open
Accept The Rules Of The Game And Enjoy Life
March 8, 2021
MOSCOW, MARCH 8, 2021. PIR PRESS. «The most important values for me are family and a sense of inner freedom», – the Executive Assistant of PIR Center Director (2001-2004) Elena Polidva.
EDITORIAL: In this issue of «Open Collar» we talked with Elena Polidva, the Executive Assistant of PIR Center Director (2001-2004). In the early 2000s n the early 2000s, Elena chose a career path at the PIR Center, which she never regretted. Elena Polidva. She led special projects, one of which was the “Cuban project” with the organization of the conference in Havana. During the conversation, our guest told us about her life in Spain, travels, the importance of foreign languages knowledge, and much more.