Status: Open

December 16, PIR Center Held An Expert Seminar On The NPT Review Conference 2022

December 21, 2021

December 16, 2021, PIR Center held an Expert Seminar with limited participation to discuss recommendations for the successful conducting of the X NPT Review Conference on January 4-28, 2022.

The seminar was attended by PIR Center staff and Expert Council members, as well as representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Permanent Mission to International Organizations in Geneva, and PIR Center partner organizations.

The experts discussed the main challenges to the nonproliferation regime and the likelihood for them to be successfully addressed by the Conference along with possible obstacles to Russia promoting its interests by the various coalitions represented at the NPT RevCon. The options of a final document that would be sufficient for Russia were also considered.

PIR Center would like to express its special gratitude to all the participants of the seminar for their valuable comments and comprehensive view of the issues under discussion.