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PIR Center Participates In The 2022 NPT Review Conference

August 1, 2022

NEW YORK. AUGUST 1, 2022. PIR PRESS. “The upcoming Review Conference is the tenth-anniversary one. And although in fact, it takes place much later than the round date — the fiftieth anniversary of the NPT and the quarter-century anniversary of the indefinite extension of the Treaty, this circumstance can and should unite the parties to the Treaty. Despite all the difficulties, we proceed from the fact that all members of the NPT are aware of the importance of a successful conclusion of the Conference and are going to New York not only with the requested positions but also with the mood to search for mutually acceptable unifying solutions,” from the Security Index report of Vladimir Orlov and Sergey Semenov.

The X NPT Review Conference is being held on August 1-26, 2022. For almost a month, delegations from 191 signatory countries of the NPT will gather at the UN headquarters in New York to discuss the implementation of the treaty and, ideally, the adoption of a joint document following the event demonstrating the commitment of all states to this most essential agreement in the field of international security.

PIR Center traditionally takes an active part in the work of the NPT Review Conference. This year, the founder and director of PIR Center, Vladimir Orlov, is a member of the official Russian delegation to the conference. Representatives of PIR Center will also participate in the tenth conference throughout its duration as part of a delegation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

The Tenth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) — perhaps the most important international agreement in the field of security — will be held in an extremely tense atmosphere. The United States and its allies believe that the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine jeopardizes key provisions of the treaty and increases the risks of nuclear war. Russia rejects the accusations against itself and urges not to complicate the already difficult task of maintaining the nonproliferation regime.

The best result of the upcoming conference is to review the implementation of the Treaty for 2015-2021 without unnecessary hype and mutual accusations, in a calm and businesslike manner, to outline some feasible steps to maintain and strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation regime in all its aspects, avoiding even a minimal risk of undermining the Treaty and the established composition of its participants.

The consensus adoption of an unambitious final document, possibly shorter than the usual one, confirming the viability of the NPT through an effective review of the operation of the Treaty, should be considered a success.

More about the NPT Review Conference: