The Current State and the Prospects for International Cooperation in the Arctic were Discussed at the 121st Spring Session of the Trialogue Club International

April 5, 2024

MOSCOW. APRIL 5, 2024. PIR PRESS. «The Arctic is a region of great significance, the geopolitical importance of which is rapidly increasing. Due to the deterioration of the military security situation and the growing conflict potential in this region, the possibility of an escalation of the situation still cannot be excluded. The approach to building cooperation in the Arctic, first of all, should be based on the principles of mutual understanding, constructive dialogue, and consideration of the interests of all parties involved», — Ambassador Nikolay Korchunov, Ambassador-at-Large at the Russian Foreign Ministry, Senior Arctic Official of Russia to the Arctic Council.

On April 3, 2024, the 121st Spring Session of the Trialogue Club International on the topic “Arctic — the Territory of Cooperation or Confrontation?” took place in Moscow.

Traditionally, Dr. Vladimir Orlov, Founding President of the Trialogue Club International, Founding Director of PIR Center, Professor at MGIMO University, delivered welcoming remarks. During the speech, he highlighted the significance of the agenda in ensuring and maintaining global and regional security. Moreover, Dr. Vladimir Orlovpresented the main news based on the educational and scientific activities of PIR Center. In particular, special attention was paid to the forthcoming publication of the Security Index Yearbook, the presentation of the new Master`s program International Security (In Russian), implemented by PIR Center and MGIMO University, an English-language online course on nuclear nonproliferation and arms control, and analytical reports High-Tech Renaissance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Russia and On Both Sides of the Persian Gulf: the Development of High-Tech Business in the Region and Russia’s Interests, and many others.

Ambassador Nikolay Korchunov, Ambassador-at-Large at the Russian Foreign Ministry, Senior Arctic Official of Russia to the Arctic Council, addressed the Session as a keynote speaker. Lieutenant General Evgeny Buzhinskiy, Co-Chair of the Trialogue Club International, Chairman of PIR Center Executive Board, provided a commentary on the military-political aspects of the discussed issues.

After the main speech, a traditional Q&A session took place. The Session was moderated by the Club Co-Chair: Dr. Elena Chernenko, Special Correspondent of the Kommersant Daily, Member of PIR Center Executive Board. As always, the meeting of the Trialogue Club International was held under Chatham House rules.

The session was attended by permanent members of the Trialogue Club International. Among them are representatives of the embassies of Finland, Germany, Japan, Mozambique, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA to Russia, the International Committee of the Red Cross Delegation in Moscow, etc., as well as special guests from among specialized Russian specialists.

Following the official part of the event, the Club members and special guests were invited to an informal reception.

If you need any further information about Trialogue Club International, fees, terms, and conditions of membership, please contact the Club’s Executive Secretary, Ms. Elena Karnaukhova, by email: You can also find more detailed information about the Club on the website

Key words: Trialogue Club; Arctic; Global Security


E16/ MIN – 24/04/05