Status: Open

XXI PIR Center International School On Global Security For Young Professionals From Europe And CIS Countries Is Open For Applications

February 18, 2022

MOSCOW. FEBRUARY 18, 2022. PIR PRESS. «PIR Center International School on Global Security is not only a traditional platform for an expert meeting but also a platform for high-quality, multifaceted, and in-depth analysis of the most important global issues. PIR Center’s approach to organizing the work of the School, including the invitation of unique professionals, the very configuration of the School, the participation of young experts from several countries, make the gained experience unique and irreplaceable», – Osman Dosov, Corporate Secretary, Head of the Information and Analytical Work Sector at the Foreign Policy Research Institute under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduate of XX PIR Center International School on Global Security (September 26-October 4, 2020).

PIR Center launches the contest for participation in XXI International School on Global Security for Young Professionals from Europe and CIS countries. The event will be held on June 18-26, 2022, in Zvenigorod, Moscow region. This year, the agenda of the School will encompass challenges and threats to, as well as opportunities for enhancing Eurasian security in current geopolitical and technological conditions.

PIR Center International School on Global Security is an international educational platform that provides young professionals with an opportunity to enhance their understanding of modern global security challenges and threats, advance their knowledge on key developments of Eurasian security, develop the skills of situational analysis and joint project activities while enabling communication between international relations specialists from European and CIS countries. Participation in the School is an effective tool of the professional career growth and a vital instrument of shaping an agenda for Eurasian cooperation.

“PIR Center International School on Global Security has become one of the brightest intellectual events of the year. In 2020 excellent experts, the smartest young participants and guests conducted a fascinating educational program on nuclear nonproliferation, new technologies, and world politics. Such a platform is unique and represents a full-fledged advanced training program for diplomats, military staff, and academicians involved in international relations”, – Vladimir Nezhdanov, Assistant of the Department of History and World Politics at Tyumen State University, graduate of XX PIR Center International School on Global Security (September 26-October 4, 2020).

Education program of XXI International School on Global Security will include lectures, seminars, trainings, business cases, debates, meetings with officials and publicists, panel sessions, situational analysis, strategic sessions (group work with mentors), and cultural excursions.

Main thematic areas of XXI PIR Center International School on Global Security:

1. WMD nonproliferation regime.

2. Development of international cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

3. Arms control in the age of new geopolitical and technological development and arms race prevention.

4. Cybersecurity and cyberspace as a space for war and cooperation.

5. Information threat and hybrid warfare.

6. New technologies and digital transformation phenomenon.

7. Trends in contemporary armed conflicts and the practice of cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

8. Transnational threats to security in Eurasia.

9. New European security agenda as a path to security in Eurasia.

10. Russia’s foreign policy priorities.

“PIR Center School differs from other similar projects in terms of practically applying theoretical approaches, enabling an effective communication mechanism and horizontal interaction. All topics presented at the School were extremely relevant, practice-oriented and interesting. The win-win selection of lecturers and experts deserves special attention. I would also like to express my gratitude to PIR Center staff for the high-quality support of the listeners and the provision of everything necessary. In addition, the highly professional composition of the participants is another distinctive feature of the School”, – Oksana Pekusheva, Third Secretary, Historical and Documentary Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, graduate of XX PIR Center International School on Global Security (September 26-October 4, 2020).

25 young international relations and global security experts of different occupations are invited to participate in the School, including diplomats, military officers, scholars, analysts, students, journalists, public figures, representatives of international organizations. The School is open to participants from Europe and the CIS with a strong interest in global security developments and international cooperation in Eurasia.

The working language of the School is Russian. Since some sessions may be held in English, participants should demonstrate advanced knowledge of Russian and English.

Please find more details on application requirements for participation in XXI PIR Center International School on Global Security here.

The application deadline is April 10, 2022.

XXI PIR Center International School on Global Security is organized with support from Presidential Grant Foundation, Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, and Russkiy Mir Foundation.

For all questions regarding the participation in the XXI PIR Center International School on Global Security, please contact Elena Karnaukhova, PIR Center Education & Training Program Coordinator by e-mail