XXII PIR CENTER International School on Global Security is open for Applications

February 1, 2023

MOSCOW. February 1, 2023. PIR PRESS. «XXI International School on Global Security provided us with relevant knowledge on a wide range of issues like nuclear nonproliferation, regional security issues, including those related to the Central Asian region. The rich and interesting program, discipline, profound topic with highly professional lecturers and students of the School enhanced our knowledge on relevant issues. I strongly believe that the acquired knowledge, productive discussions, as well as warm acquaintances will contribute to the further development of my career as a diplomat of the Kyrgyz Republic. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to PIR Center as the organizer, to the lecturers and listeners of the XXI International School on Global Security», — says Mr. Aziz Kyshtobayev, former Deputy Director of the Consular Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, now the official of the political department of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic to Turkey, graduate of the XXI PIR Center International School on Global Security (2022).

PIR Center launches the application campaign for participation in XXII International School on Global Security for young professionals from Russia and foreign countries. The event will be held on June 3-11, 2023 in Zvenigorod, Moscow region. This year, the agenda of the School will be the security of key regions of the world in the era of global turbulence.

PIR Center International School on Global Security is an international educational platform for professional development and networking. It provides young professionals from Russia and foreign countries with an opportunity to enhance their understanding of modern global and regional security challenges and threats, develop the skills of situational analysis and joint project activities as well as provide a direct dialogue with potential colleagues, partners and friends. Participation in the School is an effective tool of the professional career growth and a vital instrument of shaping an agenda for cooperation on global and regional security issues.

«XXI PIR Center International School on Global Security is a unique opportunity to exchange views on the problems of professional activity with eminent representatives of Russian political, military, and academic spheres. The instructors of the School are internationally recognized practitioners in the field of international relations, international security, arms control and nonproliferation. In the era of aggravating confrontation between global actors, such events help to form a unified consolidated picture of the current global events, facilitating right management in the field of international military cooperation», — shares his impressions Mr. Evgeny Rusak, Head of the Verification Unit of the Department of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, graduate of the XXI PIR Center International School on Global Security (2022).

The curriculum of the School in 2023 will include lectures, seminars, trainings, business cases, debates, panel discussions, situational analyses, a strategic session (working in groups with mentors), meetings with officials. The event will also include a cultural program, in particularly, tours which will show the participants unique monuments of Russian history and culture.

The main thematic areas of the XXII PIR Center International School on Global Security:

  • Regional aspects of WMD nonproliferation and regional challenges to the nuclear nonproliferation regime.
  • Development of the arms control regime, its future forms, regional aspects of the arms race.
  • Development of international cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
  • Cybersecurity issues in world politics.
  • Emerging technologies and their impact on regional and global security, the factor of high-tech and military-technical cooperation in world politics.
  • Trends in contemporary armed conflicts, hybrid wars, and transnational security threats: common and unique to regions of the world.
  • A new European security agenda.
  • Russian Foreign and Defense Policy.

«The topics of the School are universal and comprehensive. Here everyone could get something useful for themselves. The School gave us not only new knowledge, but also the ability to use them properly in practice, as well as forecasting skills. I will use the acquired knowledge in my scientific and professional activities», — notes Ms. Komila Nazirmadova, Attaché of the Department of International Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.

25 young international relations and global security specialists are invited to participate in the School, including diplomats, military officers, scholars, analysts, students, journalists, public figures, representatives of international organizations. The School is open to participants from Russia and foreign states with a strong interest in global and regional security developments.

The working language of the School is Russian. Since some sessions may be held in English, participants should demonstrate advanced knowledge of Russian and English.

Please find more details on application requirements for participation in the XXII PIR Center International School on Global Security here.

The application deadline is March 19, 2023.

XXII PIR Center International School on Global Security is organized with support from Presidential Grant Foundation as well as Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund.

For all questions regarding the participation in the XXII PIR Center International School on Global Security, please contact Ms. Elena Karnaukhova, Deputy Director – Education and Training Program Director, Executive Secretary of the XXII PIR Center International School on Global Security by e-mail edu@pircenter.org.