Gennady Evstafiev speaks at the PIR Center Moscow Conference on Nonproliferation. At the Presidium of G. SinincionePress conference, “Will the “Iran folder” be a stumbling block at the G8 meeting? On the path to the Saint Petersburg summit.” RIA Novosti, February 19, 2006Launch of the first issue of Russian edition of the Security Index journal, Moscow, February 1, 2007Launch of the first issue of Russian edition of the Security Index journal, Moscow, February 1, 2007International Summer School on Global Security, 2007Lecturing on conventional arms control, International Summer School on Global Security, 2008International Summer School on Global Security, 2008October 2008Midweek Brainstorming Session “The Politico-Military Situation in Sudan and Arms Transfers in the Region,” April 1, 2009International conference “Multilateral Approaches to Nuclear Disarmament: Planning the Next Steps,” July 3, 2009Receiving an award “For contributions to the strengthening of the nonproliferation regime,” July 3, 2009Receiving an award “For contributions to the strengthening of the nonproliferation regime,” July 3, 2009Receiving an award “For contributions to the strengthening of the nonproliferation regime,” July 3, 2009International conference “Multilateral Approaches to Nuclear Disarmament: Planning the Next Steps,” July 3, 2009International conference “Multilateral Approaches to Nuclear Disarmament: Planning the Next Steps,” July 3, 2009Receiving an award “For contributions to the strengthening of the nonproliferation regime,” July 3, 2009Receiving an award “For contributions to the strengthening of the nonproliferation regime,” July 3, 2009Receiving an award “For contributions to the strengthening of the nonproliferation regime,” July 3, 2009Receiving an award “For contributions to the strengthening of the nonproliferation regime,” July 3, 2009Gen. Evstafiev at Moscow International Conference on Nonproliferation, 2003. PIR Center ArchiveMidweek Brainstorming SessionWith Evgeny Maslin on one of PIR Center’s Midweek Brainstorming SessionsWith Vladimir OrlovGen. Evstafiev at Moscow International Conference on Nonproliferation, 2003. PIR Center ArchiveOn press conference at RIA NovostiOn press conference at RIA NovostiOn one of PIR Center’s Midweek Brainstorming SessionsGen. Evstafiev and Viktor Murakhovsky at Moscow International Conference on Nonproliferation, 2003. PIR Center ArchiveWith Vladimir OrlovOn one of PIR Center’s Midweek Brainstorming sessionsSigned copy of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service’s report “The Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Problems of Extension,” which Evstafiev played a key role in preparing. “To Vladimir Orlov, as a token of recognition and appreciation of your contribution to nuclear arms control.”Interview with G.M. Evstafiev, Head of the Arms Control and WMD Nonproliferation Branch of the Foreign Intelligence Service, in the pilot issue of the journal “Yaderny Kontrol,” November 1994.Gennady Evstafiev and UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim. Photo with a memorable signature of WaldheimWith Evgeny PrimakovIn young ageOn a restDuring his business trip to Pakistan with Evgeny PrimakovOn the East. Gennady Evstafiev on the leftGennady Evstafiev (right in the background) with Evgeny PrimakovWashington, USA. The first half of the 1980s. During the work in the UN secretariat.After the ceremony of Javier Cuellar’s election as UN Secretary General, 1982Japan, in early 1970-sWith PIR Center Director Vladimir Orlov