PIR Quotes

“Our mind presents us with all possible options indiscriminately…”

When solving problems, we often face multiple options, but their abundance does not always indicate the depth of our minds. On the contrary, it sometimes reflects an inability to immediately recognize the best path. Instead of identifying the optimal choice, we wander among a multitude of ideas, unable to distinguish the truly correct from the secondary. This phenomenon reflects the nature of human thinking, which is more inclined towards exploration than sudden insight.

Salvador Dalí, «The Persistence of Memory», 1931

“We find multiple solutions to the same problem not so much because our mind is highly productive, but rather because it lacks insight and, instead of settling on the best solution, presents us with all possible options indiscriminately.”

François de La Rochefoucauld,
“Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims,” 1665

Keywords: François de La Rochefoucauld; History


F4/SOR – 25/02/17