№ 24, 2024. On June 29, the PIR Center Day will take place in Zvenigorod, commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the organization

June 19, 2024

MOSCOW. JUNE 19, 2024. PIR PRESS. «PIR Center is a small universe imbued with knowledge, openness, and readiness to teach, accept, and listen to all ideas and possibly help to realize them. Here, everything and everyone is imbued with wisdom and accompanied by care and love», – Marine Hakobyan, Lead Engineer, Armenian Nuclear Power Plant, Yerevan, the Republic of Armenia.

On June 29, 2024, the PIR Center Day will take place on the margins of the XXIII International School on Global Security on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our organization, which was founded in 1994. We invite our friends, partners, and alums – everyone identifying themselves as PIR Community members – to participate. The PIR Community includes more than 1000 people – experts, teachers, journalists, students, businessmen, diplomats, military, and public figures from around the world.

On that day, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., PIR Center will hold a panel discussion on “The Role of Russian NGOs in Maintaining International Security. Commemorating PIR Center’s 30th Anniversary,” with the following PIR Center Executive Board members: Dr. Vladimir Orlov, Founding Director of PIR Center; Dr. Vadim Kozyulin, PIR Center Consultant who stood at the origin of the organization; Lieutenant-General (ret.) Vasily Lata, Chief Research Fellow at the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces; Dr. Alexander Fedorov, Associate Professor at the Department of Information Security of the Faculty of “Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems”, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Elena Chernenko, special correspondent of the Kommersant Daily and PIR Center Executive Board member.

From 7:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., the annual meeting of the PIR Community members will occur. It will take place in the format that has already become traditional – the III Maslin-Fest. It is named in honor of Colonel General Evgeny Maslin, Head of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a PIR Center Executive Board member, who passed away in 2022. General Maslin was a cheerful and pleasant man who was always optimistic about the future. The first meeting of the PIR Community members was held in the format of Maslin-Fest on June 25, 2022, in frames of the XXI International School on Global Security. Its program invariably includes creative performances of the meeting participants – guitar songs, poems, including those of their authorship, dances, heartfelt toasts, friendly conversations, and warm memories of all those who contributed to the formation of the international community – the PIR Community. This year, there will also be a lot of Pushkin: it is an anniversary year not only for PIR Center but also for Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, and Zvenigorod is where he spent part of his childhood. Moreover, even the International Timerbaev Debates in frames of the International School this year are dedicated to Pushkin… so get ready to recite your favorite Pushkin poems! As part of our meeting, we will also hold a charity auction, during which we will raffle off unique PIR Center editions from different years with authors’ autographs. You can read about previous meetings on our website: 2022 and 2023.

The PIR Center Day and the XXIII International School on Global Security Issues will occur at the Tatiana Provence Hotel (12 Moskovskaya Street, Zvenigorod, Moscow Region). PIR Center guests will be given a discount on hotel accommodation on the night of June 29-30 (it is necessary to name the code word, which the organizers will announce).

To participate in the PIR Center Day, you need to:

1. By June 25, register via the link (in Russian) and indicate whether you plan to attend only the panel discussion, the meeting of PIR Community members, or both events at once to enjoy the spirit of PIR Center’s unity and the beauty of Zvenigorod.

2. Submit a request for a creative performance within the III Maslin-Fest (optional).

3. Wait for confirmation from the organizers and information on booking a room in the Tatiana Provence Hotel, taking into account the discount given to the guests of PIR Center (if necessary).

We would be grateful for financial support for the meeting in the form of voluntary donations, which can be made via the link. The minimum donation is 2000 rubles. Support PIR Center in the year of its 30th anniversary!

If you have any questions, please contact Elena Karnaukhova, Executive Secretary of the XXIII International School on Global Security, Deputy Director – Education and Training Program Director, at karnaukhova@pircenter.org.

Keywords: Maslin-Fest; School 2024


F4/SOR – 24/06/19