№ 4, 2024. What Iran Needs. What Russia Can Do

August 1, 2024

Nothing New Under the Sun

Having visited the Middle East, Washington and now Brussels in the past few months, I keep trying to figure out the answers to the following questions: Who wants a war with Iran? And will there be a war? Tensions over Iran will soon reach a boiling point, and the world will slide to a war regardless of its wishes. In this climate, someone will inevitably get spooked and jump the gun. Given the situation, experts in Moscow are faced with three questions. First, what does Iran want? Second, is there a solution to the Iranian nuclear problem? And third, what can Russia do?

Orlov, Vladimir A.

Today, we are pleased to recall the article of Dr. Vladimir Orlov, Founding Director of PIR Center, “What Iran Needs. What Russia Can Do,” which was initially published in Russia Confidential Journal No. 2, Vol. 2, 2012.

Key words: International Security; Iran; Nuclear Weapon


F4/SOR – 24/08/01