Makgetlaneng, Sehlare

Makgetlaneng, Sehlare

Pretoria, South Africa
Institute for Preservation and Development
Professor, Executive Director

PhD in Political Science.

Sehlare Makgetlaneng is a former Chief Researcher and the Head of the Governance and Security Program of the Africa Institute of South Africa and a Senior Researcher at the Institute of African Renaissance Studies of the University of South Africa. He also served as the Administrative Secretary of the Office of the Treasurer-General in the African National Congress (ANC). As part of the Master’s program “Politics and Political Economy of South Africa”, he lectured at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He also lectured on international relations at the North-West University (NWU) in Potchefstroom, South Africa, and taught political science at the University Venda in Limpopo, South Africa. He worked at the College of Defense in Pretoria, and was a researcher at the Southern Center for International Studies (SCIS) in Washington, USA, and at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in Atlanta, USA. In 2014, he held the position of a visiting researcher in the Department of Economic Analysis and Global Problems of the Center for Strategic Studies in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Sehlare Makgetlaneng is a Visiting Professor at the Northwestern University School of Public Studies and a Research Fellow at the University of Limpopo, South Africa. He is a member of the Working Group of the Subcommittee of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on International Relations in Africa.

PIR Center Advisory Board Member since 2022.


  • Makgetlaneng S. The African Renaissance Project of Thabo Mbeki: Its South African Roots and Targets. South Africa: Institute for Preservation and Development, 2022. — 520 p.
  • Makgetlaneng S. Kwame Nkruman and the Pan-African Ideal: Debates and Contestations. South Africa: Institute for Preservation and Development, 2021. — 414 p.
  • Makgetlaneng S. Key Reason’s behind Nelson Mandela’s Call for a Negotiated Settlement of the Congolese Conflict and its Critics // Insight on Africa. 2018. № 10 (2). P. 194–214.
  • Makgetlaneng S. Azerbaijan as a Regional Economic Driver: Opportunities and Challenges. South Africa: Africa Institute of South Africa, 2016. — 146 p.
  • Makgetlaneng S. How Capitalism and Racism Continue to Shape the Socio-Economic Structure of South Africa // Africanus Journal of Development Studies. 2016. № 46 (1).
  • Makgetlaneng S. The Theoretical Marginalisation of South Africa’s Membership to BRICS by Some South African Scholars: Key Issues // Africa`s Growing Role in World Politics / Edited by T. Deych, A. Zhukov, O. Kulkova, E. Korendyasov. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. — 298 p.
  • Makgetlaneng S. The Role of South Africa in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The View of the Congolese State, Capital and Civil Society // Africa Insight. 2010. № 40 (4). P. 149–167.

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