Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Academic Advisor
Doctor of History. Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Academic Advisor at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS. In 1968-1970, he served as an officer in the Soviet Army, taught at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages of the Ministry of Defense. In 1972, he began teaching medieval history of the Arab world, Islamic studies, and modern political development of Arab countries at the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 1972-1977, he worked at the Graduate School of Social Sciences in the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen. He is the President of the Russian Center for Strategic and Practical Studies, the Editor-in-Chief of the Vostok/ORIENS journal, Member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation. He heads the Department of Regional Studies of the School of World Politics at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Member of the Trialogue Club International. Member of PIR Center Advisory Board.
Наумкин В.В. Насильственные конфликты и внешнее вмешательство на Ближнем и Среднем Востоке через призму теории глубоко разделенных обществ (ТГРО) // Политическая наука перед вызовами глобального и регионального развития: научное издание / Под ред. О.В. Гаман-Голутвиной. М.: Аспект Пресс, 2016. — 672 с.
Наумкин В.В. Исламский радикализм и внешнее вмешательство в глубоко разделенных обществах Ближнего Востока // Конфликты и войны XXI века (Ближний Восток и Северная Африка) / Под ред. В.В. Наумкина и Д.Б. Малышевой. М.: ИВ РАН, 2015. — 504 с.
Наумкин В.В. Арабский мир, ислам и Россия: прошлое и настоящее. М.: ИВ РАН, 2013. — 526 с.
Vitaly Naumkin, Leonid Kogan, Dmitry Cherkashin, Maria Bulakh, and Ekaterina Vizirova. Corpus of Soqotri Oral Literature. Volume 1. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics / Edited by Vitaly Naumkin, Leiden — Boston: Brill, 2015. — 750 p.
Vitaly Naumkin, Leonid Kogan, Isa Guman al-Darhi, and Ahmad Isa al-Darhi. Soqotri Texts in the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. An Annotated Edition. Oxford University Press, 2015.