Voitolovsky, Feodor G.

Voitolovsky, Feodor G.

Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAS)
US foreign policy and security strategy,
the US policy in Europe and Pacific Asia,
the US relations with allies,
international security,
strategic stability and arms control,
international organisations and global governance issues,
forecasting international political processes,
foreign policy ideology,
theory and methodology of international relations analysis

Doctor of Political Sciences. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Born on April 13, 1979.

In 2001, Feodor G. Voitolovsky graduated from the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 2004, he completed postgraduate studies at the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAS). In 2004, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Reflection of the processes of political globalization in the minds of political elites and social movements of the USA and the EU”. In 2013, he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic “Ideology and practice of Atlanticism in US foreign policy”. Since 2004, he has been working at IMEMO RAS. He held the positions of Junior and Senior Researcher, the Head of Sector of US Foreign and Domestic Policy, the Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work. In 2017, Feodor G. Voitolovsky was elected to the post of the Director of IMEMO RAS. Since 2006, he has been a Member of the Editorial Board of the IMEMO RAS journal “Paths to Peace and Security” and the ongoing IMEMO’s series “Global Development”. Since 2010, he has been a Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “World Economy and International Relations”. Since 2014, he has been a Member of the Scientific Council of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Since 2015, he has been a Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific and Expert Forum “Primakov Readings”. Since 2021, he has been a Member of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Science and Education. Feodor G. Voitolovsky was awarded the Medal of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (2017), the Honorary Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation for merits in scientific activity (2017), the Medal of the Security Council of the Russian Federation “For Merits in Strengthening International Security” (2018), the Honorary Diploma of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (2021). He is also a Laureate of the Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Young Scientists in 2008 for the monograph “Unity and Disunity of the West” (2009).

PIR Center Advisory Board Member since 2022.


  • Войтоловский Ф.Г. Единство и разобщенность Запада. Идеологическое отражение в сознании элит США и Западной Европы трансформаций политического миропорядка 1940-е–2000-е гг. М.: Крафт+, 2007. — 454 с.

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