PIR Center has launched the new project “Global Security: A View from Russia for the Youth Around the World” with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation

September 1, 2023

MOSCOW. SEPTEMBER 1, 2023. PIR PRESS. «In contemporary international relations where there is emergence of re-militarization and re-securitization of different political questions this type of program is more than important. A new project of PIR Center opens opportunity to rationalize international relations through academic environment and honest open channels for better and prosperous future which cannot exist without dialogue and at least an attempt to understand each other. It can result in certain policy recommendations for political leaders and thus contribute to solving important issues in the sphere of nonproliferation and arms control. As young scholar and post-graduate student at Faculty of Political Science at University of Zagreb, this is great opportunity to strengthen my analytical and research skills. In the end this is great opportunity to stay in touch with interesting and ambitious people I have met in PIR Center. As a true believer in lifelong education, I believe that an individual can develop precisely with the help of such projects», — Mr. Bruno Rukavina, PhD student at the University of Zagreb, XXII PIR Center International School on Global Security graduate.

The educational project Global Security: A View from Russia for the Youth Around the World is the new PIR Center project implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation. The project aims to shape a common intellectual space through sharing knowledge on nuclear nonproliferation and arms control among Russian and foreign audiences. The project also seeks to contribute to the professional growth of those interested in the topics above through preliminary and advanced training for young specialists via online learning and other awareness-raising, analytical, and research tools and products.

PIR Center aspires to support young, talented researchers from Russia and abroad by facilitating the realization of their research potential in the fields of nuclear nonproliferation, arms control, and international security, as well as ensuring the connection between experienced experts and the younger generation of specialists in international relations and expending the global community of those interested in nonproliferation issues. The project Global Security: A View from Russia for the Youth Around the World is multi-component and consists of the following key areas:

  1. Elaboration of the online course in English on nuclear nonproliferation and arms control regimes, pursuing the Oral History of Nuclear Nonproliferation project. The course will be available for all registered users on the PIR Center scientific and educational platform NONPROLIFERATION.WORLD, which will foster the continuous dialogue and expansion of the international community of specialists in the field. After successfully completing the final online test examination, the course participants will be granted advanced training certificates. The information about the registration and the online course dates will be published later.
  2. Conduct of systematic outreach activities on the issues of nuclear nonproliferation, arms control, and international security by elaborating on and distributing the electronic analytical and research PIR Center products in Russian and English.
  3. Implementation of the III Contest for the Evstafiev Award for the best research work in the field of international security. The Award is intended for young researchers, scientists, postgraduates, undergraduate and graduate students, and journalists. This year, the Award is 300 000 rubles.
  4. Large-scale publishing activities, in particular the elaboration on the teaching aids-digital notebooks, anthology, and memoirs on nuclear issues, aimed at documenting and systematizing the invaluable experience of Russian nonproliferation experts, ensuring timely and efficient knowledge sharing with the new generation of specialists from Russia and abroad who care about the past, present, and future of the nuclear nonproliferation and arms control regimes.

All final video and text materials will be published on the PIR Center scientific and educational platform NONPROLIFERATION.WORLD.

In frames of the planning the project Global Security: A View from Russia for the Youth Around the World  PIR Center gained informational support from our colleagues, friends, and partners, specifically:

  • Lieutenant General (retired) Evgeny Buzhinsky, Vice President of the Russian International Affairs Council, Chairman of PIR Center Executive Board, Co-Chair of the Trialogue Club International;
  • Dr. Vera Gavrilova, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Regional Studies of Novosibirsk State Technical University;
  • Mr. Viktor Litovkin, military observer of TASS;
  • Dr. Ekaterina Mikhailenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of Ural Federal University;
  • Dr. Dmitry Polikanov, Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo;
  • Dr. Vladimir Rudakov, Editor-in-Chief of the Istorik (Historian) Journal, member of PIR Center Advisory Board;
  • H.E. Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Ms. Lubov Soldatkina, Head of the ANO Art-Formula, member of the Committee of the Russian State Council on Culture, member of PIR Center Executive Board;
  • Dr. Dmitri Trenin, Lead Researcher at the Section for Non-Proliferation and Arms Limitation of the Center for International Security of IMEMO RAS, Research Professor at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of HSE University, member of PIR Center Executive Board;
  • Ms. Yulia Tseshkovskaya, member of PIR Alumni Community;
  • Dr. Elena Chernenko, special correspondent of the Kommersant Daily, member of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, member of PIR Center Executive Board, Co-Chair of the Trialogue Club International.

The implementation of the project started in August 2023 and will run until December 2023.

We would like to thank all our friends, partners, and colleagues!

If you have any questions about the project “Global Security: A View from Russia for the Youth Around the World” please reach out to Ms. Elena Karnaukhova, PIR Center Deputy Director – Education and Training Program Director, via email edu@pircenter.org.

Key words: Education