XXIII PIR Center International School on Global Security is Open for Applications
PIR Center provides access to an English-language online course on nuclear nonproliferation and arms control
A meeting of members of the team of authors and the International Editorial Board of the Security Index Yearbook took place at MGIMO University
PIR Center Celebrates the Birthday of Yaderny Kontrol journal — the Day of the Rhinoceros
PIR Center Held an Expert Seminar on the Topic “Key Players in the Global Nuclear Submarines (SSN) Market and Their Export Models“
PIR Center Midweek Brainstorming Session on the topic “Key Players in the Global Nuclear Submarines (SSN) Market and Their Export Models”
Interview with Dr. Vladimir Orlov, Founding Director of PIR Center, Professor at MGIMO University, for MGIMO Journal
The future of the nuclear nonproliferation regime was discussed at the PIR Center expert seminar
«Ves Mir Publishers» releases the second edition of the PIR Center’s Report «New Nuclear Nine? Assessing Nuclear Proliferation Threats in the World»