Kuchinov, Vladimir P.

Kuchinov, Vladimir P.

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Associated Professor of the Department of International Relations of the Institute of International Relations
Nonproliferation of nuclear weapons,
nuclear energy,
nuclear safety

Born on May 7, 1945.

In 1969, Vladimir P. Kuchinov graduated from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI with a specialization “Engineer-physicist”. In 1980–1985 and 1994–1998, he worked at the International Atomic Energy Agency. From 1991 to 1994, he was the Counselor of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to International Organizations in Vienna, Austria. From 2004 to 2008, he was the Head of the Department of International Cooperation of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency of the Russian Federation. From 1998 to 2002, he was the Deputy Head, and since 2002, he was the Head of the Department of International and Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation. From 2008 to 2018, he served as an Advisor to the General Director of Rosatom State Atomiс Energy Corporation.

PIR Center Advisory Board Member since 2018. 


  • Горин Н.В., Кузнецов Е.В., Кучинов В.П., Чебесков А.Н., Моисеев А.В., Шидловский В.В., Кривцов А.В. Барьеры на путях ядерного распространения при экспорте российских быстрых реакторов с замкнутым ЯТЦ (на примере БРЕСТ-ОД-300) // Вестник НЯЦ РК. 2021. № 4 (88). С. 16–21.
  • Гулевич А.В., Декусар В.М., Чебесков А.Н., Кучинов В.П., Волошин Н.П. Возможность экспорта быстрых реакторов в условиях международного режима ядерного нераспространения // Атомная энергия. 2020. Т. 27. № 3. С. 171–175.
  • Berdennikov G., Countryman T., Kuchinov V., Shea T. Ensuring Safeguards Sustainability: Principles and Recommendations // NTI Paper. 2021. — 7 p.
  • Cooley J., Khlebnikov N., Kuchinov V., Shea T. Efficiency of IAEA Safeguards Implementation and Innovation // NTI Paper. 2021. — 9 p.
  • Carlson J., Kuchinov V., Shea T. The IAEA’s Safeguards System as the Non-Proliferation // NTI Paper. 2020. — 48 p.

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