Rauf, Tariq

Rauf, Tariq

Vienna, Austria
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Former Head of Verification and Security Policy Coordination, Office reporting to Director General,
Alternate Head of the IAEA Delegation to NPT Conferences
Safeguards, verification, global and regional nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament
nuclear-weapon-free zones
multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle: LEU bank/reserve, nuclear-powered submarines and safeguards, new technologies and strategic stability

Former Head of Verification and Security Policy Coordination, Office reporting to Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Former Alternate Head of the IAEA Delegation to NPT Review Conferences. In 1987-2000, he was an expert advisor on nonproliferation to Canadian delegations at the NPT Review Conferences. He was a member of the Group of Eminent Persons for Substantive Advancement of Nuclear Disarmament, established by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan. He held the positions of Advisor-Consultant to the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference (2014) and Chairman of the Main Committee I of the NPT Review Conference (2015). Also, he was the Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Deputy Head of the IAEA delegation to the NPT Review Conferences, the IAEA representative for Relations with the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the representative of the UN Security Council 1540 Committee, UN Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force. He was also the IAEA Coordinator for concerning multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle, the Low Enriched Uranium Reserve in Angarsk, the Low Enriched Uranium Bank in Kazakhstan, as well as guarantees regarding the supply of nuclear fuel. He was responsible for organizing the IAEA Forum for the study of the experience that can be applied to the establishment of Weapons of Mass Destruction-Free Zone in the Middle East (MENWFZ). Member of PIR Center Advisory Board.


  • Rauf T. Crashing Nuclear Submarines Through IAEA Safeguards // Policy Brief. January 2022. № 122.
  • Rauf T. Omicron to the Rescue: NPT Review Conference Postponed — Again! // InDepthNews. January 2022. 
  • Rauf T. Organisational Matters Relating to the Postponed Tenth (2020) NPT Review Conference. Global Security. Report. London: European Leadership Network, 2021. — 31 p.
  • Rauf T. 50th Anniversary of the NPT: Joint Communiqué by 17 States on Fulfilling Nuclear Disarmament Commitments // Atomic Reporters. May 2020. 
  • Rauf T. The NPT at 50: Perish or Survive? // Arms Control Today. March 2020. Vol. 50.
  • Rauf T. Does the TPNW Contradict or Undermine the NPT? // Global Outlook. November 2020. 

F10/ICHI – 04/24