The Peaceful Atom in the International Arena (1969)
Verification of Arms Control and Disarmament (1983)
The Complete Prohibition of Nuclear Tests (1986)
Russia and Nuclear Non-proliferation, 1945-1968 (1999)
Stories of the past: Memoirs about negotiations on non-proliferation and disarmament and much else. (in Russian) (2007)
The Nuclear Suppliers Group: Why and How It Was Created,1974-1978. (2000)
Nuclear nonproliferation (in Russian) (2002)
V.A. Orlov, R.M. Timerbaev, A.V. Khlopkov Nuclear nonproliferation in U.S.-Russian relations: challenges and opportunities (2001)
Our Place in the Universe and Nuclear Weapons: Reflections from a Nuclear Arms Control Negotiator (2019)
No. 1 (1996): The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime and Security Guarantees for Non-Nuclear States G.Bann R.Timerbaev (In Russian)
No. 12 (1999): Russia and the 2000 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference (In Russian)
No. 17 (2001): Proliferation and Nonproliferation in South Asia: Status and Outlook, R.Timerbaev, A. Shilin, V.Fedchenko (In Russian)
No. 22 (2003): International Control of Atomic Energy (In Russian)
№25 (2004): The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime, Present and Prospects (in Russian)
NPT: for Russia and the world it is better to save it for long time. №1 (1), January, 1995, p.4. (in Russian)
Nuclear disarmament: Are five nuclear states committed enough under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? № 3 (3), March 1995. p.2 (co-authored) (in Russian)
How is the preparation for the extension of the NPT proceeding. Report from New York from the 4th session. № 3 (3), March 1995, p. 10 (in Russian)
The NPT is extended indefinitely. What is next? № 9 (9), September, 1995, p.19 (in Russian)
How feasible is the creation of the nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East? №12 (12), December, 1995, p.7 (in Russian)
Process of the NPT implementation (to the session of the Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons). № 2 (26), February, 1997, p. 2. (in Russian)
Nuclear weapons and the security of Russia. № 4 (28), April, 1997, p. 22. (in Russian)
International Atomic Energy Agency and its activities in the field of control and regulation (to the 40th anniversary of the International Atomic Energy Agency). № 32–33, August-September, 1997, p. 3. (in Russian)
Nuclear Encyclopedia. № 30–31, June-July, 1997, p. 45 (co-authored) (in Russian)
The future of US nuclear weapons policy. № 32–33, August-September, 1997, p. 45. (in Russian)
Attitude of Academician Kapitsa and some other Soviet scientists to the atomic project, to the atomic bomb and its control. No. 1 (37), January – February, 1998, p. 65. (in Russian)
Russia and Security 1997–1998. Russia and the international arms control system: development or collapse. No. 1 (37), January-February 1998, p. 83. (in Russian)
How the Soviet Union Helped China Develop the A-bomb. No. 2-3 (8), Summer-Fall 1998, p.44
How the IAEA Safeguards System was Developed: Political Aspects (1959–1965). No. 4 (40), July – August 1998, p. 68. (in Russian)
The history of the development of control provisions of the NPT (political aspects). No. 5 (41), September – October 1998, p. 67. (in Russian)
Towards a New Nuclear Arms Limitation Treaty(Negotiations Resume on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons) No. 4 (9), Winter 1998/1999, p.43
Prospects of the entry into force of the CTBT. No. 3 (45), May – June 1999, p. 67 (in Russian)
Israel and the bomb. No. 4 (46), July – August 1999, p. 85. (in Russian)
A. A. Gromyko and the problem of nuclear nonproliferation. No. 6 (48), November – December 1999, p. 81. (in Russian)
The NPT: another exam has been passed. New ones – ahead. № 4 (52), July-August 2000, p. 4 (co-authored) (in Russian)
Russia and the 2000 NPT Review Conference No. 1 (13), Winter 2000, p.25
Dealing with Cold War Nuclear Legacy: Russian Perspective. No. 3 (15), Summer 2000, p.28
ABM/NMD and the START Process. No 4 (16), Fall 2000,p.37
Indian nuclear bomb. Impact on global proliferation. No. 4 (52), July – August 2000, p. 83. (in Russian)
The initiative of President Putin at the UN Millennium Summit. No. 6 (54), November – December 2000, p. 62 (co-authored) (in Russian)
The first step to prudence in the nuclear world. (The history of the conclusion of the 1963 Moscow Treaty on the Partial Prohibition of Nuclear Tests). No. 1 (55), January – February 2001, p. 73 (co-authored) (in Russian)
State and prospects of nuclear nonproliferation. No. 2 (56), March – April 2001, p. 24. (in Russian)
The Time to Enhance Cooperation on Broad Range of Security Issues. (co-authored) No. 2 (22), Spring 2002, p.35
US-Russian November Summit: An Important but Insufficient Step. (co-authored) No. 2 (22), Spring 2002, p.35
India: a rising star. No. 2 (62), March – April 2002, p. 73. (in Russian)
Democratic control over the military sphere in Russia and the CIS countries. No. 3 (63), May – June 2002, p. 84. (in Russian)
2005 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: How the preparation for the conference is going. No. 4 (64), July – August 2002, p. 51. (in Russian)
Leo Szilard and international control of atomic energy. No. 5 (65), September – October 2002, p. 68. (in Russian)
Deadly Arsenals. No. 2 (68), summer 2003, p. 161. (in Russian)
Middle East and the nuclear issue. No. 3 (69), fall 2003, p. 15 (in Russian)
The preparations for the 2005 NPT Review Conference No. 3 (69), Autumn 2003, p. 101. (in Russian)
The role of the UN in today’s world. No. 3-4 (31-32), Summer/Fall 2004, p.46
Tritium – freeze. No. 4 (70), winter 2003, p. 151. (in Russian)
Arms control. Joseph Goldblatt. A new guide to negotiations and agreements. No. 1 (71), spring 2004, p. 173. (in Russian)
The problems of preparation for the 2005 NPT Review Conference. No. 3 (73), Autumn 2004, p. 101. (in Russian)
The Right to Withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT): The Views of Two NPT Negotiators. (co-authored) No. 1-2 (33-34), Winter/Spring 2005, p.20
Lessons learned from the 4th 1990 NPT Review Conference No. 1 (75), Spring 2005, p. 171 (in Russian)
South Africa: how its nuclear weapons were created, how and why the state abandoned them. No. 2 (76), summer 2005, p. 121. (in Russian)
The nuclear potential and nuclear policy of China. No. 4 (78), winter 2005, p. 83. (in Russian)
The agreements between the USSR and the USA of 1971 on measures to reduce the risk of a nuclear war. No. 4 (78), winter 2005, p. 131. (in Russian)
The Evolution of Arms Control: Current Trends. By Roland Timerbaev. No. 3-4 (35-36), summer/Fall2005, p.59
How the USSR helped China create an atomic bomb. No. 3 (41), May – June 1998, p. 76; No. 2 (80), summer 2006, p. 167 ( in Russian)
The Role of the Nuclear Factor in the Modern World. №3 (85), 2008.
The problem of security guarantees for non-nuclear states ahead of the NPT Review Conference. No. 4 (87), winter 2008, p. 69. (in Russian)
On Libya, Antimissile Defense, as Well as Other Autobiographical Events. №1 (83), 2008.
First Steps towards Arms Limitation. No. 3 (92), Summer 2010.
Nuclear-Weapon-Free-World: Ways of Moving Ahead. No. 2 (87), Volume 15.
Fissile Material Cutoff: New Chances for the New Life. No. 1 (90), Winter 2010.