BRICS and Global Security

We are convinced that the leadership of the BRICS states in developing a unifying, positive course for the formation of a truly multipolar system of interstate relations based on universally recognized norms of international law and the key principles of the UN Charter is in demand now more than ever

Vladimir Putin
President of Russia


  • Promotion of a multilateral approach to the world order, which underlies the work of BRICS.​
  • Search for promising and priority areas of security cooperation for Russia within the framework of BRICS.​
  • Development of approaches and recommendations for Russian foreign policy agencies to promote Russia’s interests through the BRICS mechanisms.​
  • Analysis of positions on a number of international issues of other BRICS member countries and search for common ground with Russia’s position.​

PIR Center Founder & Director Vladimir Orlov took part in expert discussions among representatives of Russia, PRC, India and Brazil when the very concept of the group was only being developed, and we have been closely following the situation since. 

PIR Center analyzes Russia’s participation in BRICS format and high-tech cooperation with its members (nuclear energy, informational technologies and use of outer space). PIR Center takes an active part in drafting Russian strategy towards BRICS, our experts are members of the National Committee on BRICS Research.


“We highly appreciate the years of fruitful cooperation with the PIR Center. Your work and professionalism make a significant contribution to the formation of a unified information field in the field of domestic BRICS research and the promotion of the Russian position and expert assessments in the international arena,” – Vyacheslav Nikonov, Chairman of the Board of the National Committee on BRICS Research.