1. Terrorist Attack on Crocus Hall: Cui Prodest? Vladimir Orlov. Yaderny Kontrol (Nuclear Control) E-Journal, March 25, 2023.
2. Foreword. Vladimir Orlov, Elena Karnaukhova. Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control. Digital Papers, 2024.
3. NPT as a Cornerstone of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime. The Three Pillars of Nuclear Nonproliferation. Vladimir Orlov. Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control. Digital Papers, 2024.
4. The NPT Review Process. What Is It and Do We Really Need It? Vladimir Orlov. Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control. Digital Papers, 2024.
5. Pressure Points of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime. Vladimir Orlov. Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control. Digital Papers, 2024.
6. Introduction. Vladimir Orlov. Security Index Yearbook 2024-2025 by PIR&MGIMO Vol. 1, April 15, 2024.
7. The Post-American World and Nuclear Nonproliferation. 20 Years with No Room for Error. Vladimir Orlov, Sergey Semenov. Security Index Yearbook 2024-2025 by PIR&MGIMO Vol. 1, April 15, 2024.
8. The Second Russia-Africa Summit and Beyond: Rapprochement is Strategic, not Tactical. Irina Abramova, Vladimir Orlov, Veronica Terpugova. Security Index Yearbook 2024-2025 by PIR&MGIMO Vol. 1, April 15, 2024.
9. Strikes on the Zaporozhye NPP — Nuclear and Diplomatic Terrorism. Vladimir Orlov, Sergey Semenov. Yaderny Kontrol (Nuclear Control) E-Journal, April 18, 2023.
1 The Post-American World and Nuclear Non-Proliferation: 20 years with no room for error. V.A. Orlov, S.D. Semenov. PIR Post, January 2023.
2. Against Compartmentalization. Evgeny Buzhinskiy, Vladimir Orlov, Sergey Semenov. Yaderny Kontrol (Nuclear Control) E-Journal, December 26, 2023.
1. The pathways toward risk reduction and de-escalation at times of strategic instability in Europe. PIR Post, July 2022.
2. Kyiv and the nuclear bomb. V.A. Orlov, S.D. Semenov, A.S. Zubenko. PIR Post, March 2022.
3. “From the Black to the Baltic Sea”: on the Possibility of Creating WMD-free Zone in Central and Eastern Europe. PIR Post, April 2022.
4. Prospects For the Establishment of Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone In Central And Eastern Europe. V.A. Orlov, A.V. Yurk, IMEMO, December 2022.
1. Russia-US Nuclear Nonproliferation Dialogue: Lessons Learned and Road Ahead / PIR Center. Edited by Vladimir Orlov, Sergey Semenov. Moscow: Izdatelstvo Ves Mir, 2021 – 544 pp. ( for now the book is available in paper only, you can read about the project and find contents& conclusions here).
2. Russia and the United States should resume a comprehensive dialogue on global nuclear proliferation threats. Security Index, №2(17), January 2021.
3. The Future of Russian-American Arms Control: Principles of Interaction and New Approaches. H. Conley, V.A. Orlov, E.P. Buzhinsky, C. Newlin, S.D. Semenov, R. Gabidullina. Security Index, №7(22), 2021.
4. NATO Nuclear Sharing Arrangements:Whether They are Compliant with the NPT. Assessment of the Current Situation in the Context of the Upcoming NPT Review Conference. N.S. Degtyarev, V.A. Orlov. Security Index, №1(16), 2021.
5.Thorns in the Dialogue and Equation Attempts. PIR Center, January 18, 2021.
6. Nuclear Tango in Geneva. Vladimir Orlov, Sergey Semenov. PIR Center, July 16,2021.
7.The Sixth Letter of BRICS: International Security and Russian Interests/ Ed. Vladimir Orlov, Sergey Semenov. Security Index Occasional Paper Series №9 (24), 2021.
8. Antibodies to Disarmament. Vladimir Orlov, Sergey Semenov. PIR Center, December 29, 2021.
1. Thorns in the dialogue and equation attempts. Kommersant №235, December 22, 2020.
2. A WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East: The Road Toward It as Seen from Moscow. V.А.Orlov, N. Artemenkova. International Affairs, №3, 2020.
3. What is New START is Not Extended: Scenarios for Russia. А.А.Baklitskiy, E.P.Buzhinsky, S.D.Semenov, V.A.Orlov. Security Index, №6 (11), 2020.
1. “There is Now a Risk That the Entire International Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime Will Erode”. Security Index. №1 (110), 2015.
2. The Glass Menagerie of Non-Proliferation. Russia in Global Affairs, № 3, 2015 г.
1. Sochi-2014: The G8 Should Set a New Benchmark for Global Partnership. Vladimir Orlov,Aleksandr Cheban. Security Index (International Edition), №1 (106), Winter 2014.
2. Roundtable “Russia and the United States in the Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security Maze” — Andrey Baklitskiy, Evgeny Buzhinsky, Alexander Chernyshev, Mikhail Lysenko, Evgeny Maslin, Vladimir Orlov, Nikolay Ponomarev-Stepnoi, Vladimir Rybachenkov, Boris Tulinov. Security Index (International Edition), №1 (106), Winter 2014.
3. The Crimean crisis and the issue of guarantees of security for the Ukraine. International affairs, №3, march 2014.
4. Global Trends, Today’s Bizarre Geopolitics, and What it Means for Russia and the World. Security Index. №2 (107), 2014.
5. Security Assurances to Ukraine and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum: from the 1990s to the Crimea Crisis. Security Index. №2 (107), 2014.
6. Brave New PIR: Turning the 20-Year Journey into Generation 2.0. Security Index. № 3-4 (108-109), 2014.
7. What Future for the NPT? Security Index. № 3-4 (108-109), 2014.
1. Combining the Incompatible. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 1 (102), 2013
2. Tales and Prophecies at a Boiling Cauldron. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 1 (102), 2013,
3. Tackling the challenges of ICT and the Internet. Oleg Demidov, Vladimir Orlov, Invest in South Africa 2013. An Official Publication of the South African Government
4. Life after Nunn-Lugar. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 2 (103), 2013,
5. The Future of Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Options Available. Round table, Security Index (International Edition) NO. 2 (103), 2013
6. Life After Death, V. Orlov, A. Cheban. Russia in Global Affairs, pp.158-166, June, 2013.
7. Preventing the Utter Chaos: The Russian Way. Security Index (International Edition),NO. 4 (105), Fall 2013
1. A Labyrinth with No Walls. Russia in Global Affairs. March 25, 2012.
2. Cyber Crime: A Threat to Information Security. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 1 (98), 2012.
3. Don’t Miss a Tiger Waking up. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 2 (99), 2012.
4. A Changing Myanmar: What It Means for the Region, for China, and for Russia. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 2 (99), 2012.
5. Echoes of Bushehr. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 2 (99), 2012.
6. Reaching One Hundred. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 3 (100), 2012.
7. Russia’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy from 1991 to 2011: Twenty Years since the Soviet Union’s Collapse, still Soviet. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 3 (100), 2012.
8. U.S.-Russian Security Dialogue in 2012: Steps to Be Taken, Steps to Be Expected, and Steps that Will not Be Taken. Security Index (International Edition) NO. 3 (100), 2012.
1. Russia’s Nuclear Quest Comes Full Circle. Russia in Global Affairs, Number 4, 2011
2. Cementing Success. Security Index journal, No. 1 (94), Winter 2011
3. Roundtable “Nuclear Security: New Challenges, New Answers”. Security Index journal, No. 1 (94), Winter 2011
4. Roundtable “The Iranian Nuclear Program: Dilemmas Facing Russia“. Security Index journal, No. 2 (95), Spring 2011
5. Nuclear Disarmament: Next Steps for Russia and the United States. Security Index journal, No. 2 (95), Spring 2011
6. Roundtable “Russia’s Foreign Policy in the Pacific Region“. Security Index journal, No. 2 (95), Spring 2011
7. Nuclear-Weapon-Free Middle East: Looking for Solutions. International Affairs, Number 4, 2011
8. The Dawn of New Battles. Security Index, No. 3 (96), Summer 2011
9. The Middle East WMD-Free Zone: Searching for Solutions. Security Index, No. 4 (97), Fall 2011
10. After the Reset. Security Index, No. 4 (97), Fall 2011
1. EE UU y Rusia: avances hacia el desarme nuclear. Politica Exterior (in Spanish), Mayo/Junio 2010
2. Russia US: limited liability partnership. Security Index journal, Volume 16, Issue 3 (92), Summer, 2010
3. Book review “Stealing Beard“. Security Index journal, Volume 16, Issue 3 (92), Summer, 2010
1. Russia-USA: next round for nuke debates. Russia Beyond the Headlines, 23 February, 2009
2. Fear Hath a Hundred Eyes, Security Index, Volume 15, Issue 3-4 (88-89), 2009
1. Illusions No More: Russia-U.S. Strategic Relations After the Georgian Crisis. Security Index, No. 1 (86), 2008
2. Mapping a Route. PIRogue, 2008
3. Warm-Up in Geneva. Security Index, No3 (85), 2008
4. Khan Networks: Eyes Wide Shut. Security Index, No 3 (85), 2008
5. Nuclear Energy: A-Z. Security Index, No.3 (85), 2008
5. Mapping a Route. Security Index No. 2 (84), 2008
6. Wanted: An Architect. Security Index No. 1 (83), 2008
7. Daniel Zappelli: “I’m against imperialism of democracy”. Nasha Gazeta. January 10, 2008.
1. PIR Center Publishes a Russian Journal on International Security. PIRogue, 2007
2. In Anticipation Of New Approaches. Security Index No2 (82), 2007
3. Three Cross-cutting Issues: Disarmament, Nuclear Energy, and China. Security Index No 2 (82), 2007
4. The PIR Center Publishes a Russian Journal on International Security. Security Index No. 1(81), 2007
1. “United Russia Backs More Nuclear Power”. The Moscow Times, January 18, 2006
2. “Iran: Analyst Says Russia Becoming More Critical Of Tehran”. Radio Free Europe, January 12, 2006
3. “The G-8 Strelna Summit and Russia’s National Power”. (co-authored with Miriam Fugfugosh)
The Washington Quarterly, Spring 2006
4. “Kiriyenko Installs New Chief at Nuclear Power Consortium”. The Moscow Times, March 17, 2006
5. “Nuclear Is Back in Fashion”. Russia Profile, March 6, 2006
1. “The St. Petersburg G8 Summit and Russian Interests”. Arms Control and Security Letters № 7 (163), December 2005.
2. “The G8 Global Partnership on weapons of mass destruction: what next?” (co-authored with Daniil Kobyakov)
GCSP Occasional Paper Series, No 47, June 2005.
3. “The Great Guessing Game: Russia and the Iranian Nuclear Issue”. (co-authored with Alexander Vinnikov).
The Washington Quarterly, Spring 2005.
4. “Switzerland to Extradite Former Moscow Official to Russia”. Court overturns a ruling to send Adamov, who is charged with graft, to the United States. The Los Angeles Times, December 30, 2005
5. “NATO: Russia resisting efforts to secure WMD”. The Chicago Tribune, December 22, 2005.
6. “Russian plan may boost talks on Iran’s nuclear program – viewpoint”. RIA Novosti, December 21, 2005.
7. “Kiriyenko Tapped to Run RosAtom”. The Moscow Times, November 16, 2005.
1. Illicit Nuclear Trafficking & the New Agenda. Bulletin of IAEA. #46/1. Summer 2004.
1. Patient in Coma? Prospects of non-proliferation following the Iraqi war. Russia in Global Affairs # 3, July-September 2003.