Areas of activity with the PIR Alumni Community

The PIR Alumni Community is a true mix of talented and unique individuals, encompassing those who were there at the founding of PIR Center and those who continue to contribute to its development today. Many members of the PIR Alumni Community have journeyed alongside PIR Center for several years and decades and remain engaged to this day.

For PIR Center, the PIR Alumni Community is a true treasure trove. PIR Center strives to maintain connections with those who have left their mark on the rich history of the organization. The key areas of engagement with the PIR Alumni Community include:

  • Conducting periodic surveys, including requests for comments, recommendations, and suggestions, as well as updates on current employment and contact information;
  • Disseminating information about research, educational projects, and events organized under the auspices of PIR Center and involving members of the PIR Alumni Community in these activities;
  • Sharing informational and news updates about the organization’s current activities;
  • Organizing an annual alumni meeting;
  • Holding an annual meeting of the members of the PIR Center Executive Board;
  • Hosting an annual meeting of the members of the PIR Center Advisory Board;
  • Conducting a series of interviews as part of the Open Collar project; and much more!