Ubeev, Aleksey V.

Ubeev, Aleksey V.

Visiting Instructor of the Dual Degree M.A. Program Global Security, Nuclear Policy and WMD Nonproliferation (MGIMO University, PIR Center, MIIS),
Instructor of the PIR Center International School on Global Security

PhD in Technics. He headed the Division of Nuclear Nonproliferation, Nuclear Safety and Security of the Department for Security and Disarmament of the Russian Foreign Ministry. He also served as the Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Rosatom State Corporation. Former Senior Nuclear Security Officer at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). He participated in the development of a number of important international treaties in the field of nuclear nonproliferation, nuclear safety and nuclear security. Participated in elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986. Member of PIR Center Advisory Board.


  • Иванов В.Б., Каграманян В.С., Полушкин А.К., Пономарев-Степной Н.Н., Убеев А.В., Чебесков А.Н. Ядерный ренессанс: Российская специфика и глобальный контекст? // Индекс Безопасности. 2008. Т. 14. № 2 (85). С. 127–139. 

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