PIR Way 1.1. "I do not value much pathetic "human rights". That many heads make reel and split to lefts and rights..." — Alexander Pushkin’s poem (1836) has been the motto of PIR Center since its foundation, 1994. 1.2. "PIR Means Feast" — photocopy of a page from Vladimir Dal's Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language (1863-1866), 1994. 1.3. Even before PIR was born: the first "exclusive letters" with materials of the Trialogue Club International (then — "Moscow News" Club; later on — P.I.R. Club) were put into these envelopes and sealed with this adhesive "Moscow News" tape, 1993. 1.4. Office plate on the entrance to the first PIR Center office, 1994. 1.5. "The horrible truth under whipped cream": Founder's tea mug. Dr. Orlov founded PIR Center in April 1994, April 1994. 1.6. A copy of the issue No. 1 of "Yaderny Kontrol" (Nuclear Control) journal, the flagship publication of PIR Center, January 1995. 1.7. A piece of an SS-23 missile destroyed under the INF Treaty, 1995. 1.8. PIR Center employee ID card from 1997. 1.9. Congratulations to the staff of PIR Center on the occasion of its 10th anniversary from the Head of the Presidential Executive Office Dmitry A. Medvedev, April 21, 2004. 1.10. Umbrella in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of PIR Center. Moscow, 2004. 1.11. This T-shirt was presented to the Founder on the occasion of PIR Center's participation in preparation and organization of the G8 Summit. St. Petersburg, 2006. 1.12. Vladmir V. Putin's meeting with international security experts, attended, among others, by Evgeny P. Buzhinskiy (pictured), Chairman of PIR Center Executive Board, and the Founder. Sarov, 2011. 1.13. Congratulations to the editor-in-chief of the "Security Index" journal, President of PIR Center Vladimir A. Orlov on the occasion of the release of the 100th anniversary issue of the "Security Index" journal from the Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Prikhodko, February 1, 2012. 1.14. Letter of thanks to Evgeny N. Petelin, editor of the global edition of "Security Index" journal, from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, June 14, 2012. 1.15. PIR Center staff with Deputy Minister of Defense Anatoly I. Antonov, 2012. 1.16. Poster marking the release of the 100th issue of "Security Index" journal (Russian Edition), 2012. 1.17. Poster marking the release of the 100th issue of "Security Index" journal (Global Edition), 2012. 1.18. Souvenir pen of the Geneva branch of the PIR Center — Centre russe d'etudes politiques Geneve, devoted to the release of the 100th issue of the "Security Index" journal. Geneva, 2012. 1.19. Badge of Honor of the "Trialogue" Club International, issued for the 20th anniversary of the Club, 2013. 1.20. Invitation to the Founder from the Minister of Defense of Russia Sergey K. Shoigu, 2013. 1.21. Congratulations to PIR Center President Vladimir A. Orlov on the occasion of PIR Center's 20th anniversary from the Head of the Presidential Executive Office of Russia Sergey B. Ivanov, April 29, 2014. 1.22. Congratulations to the President of PIR Center Vladimir A. Orlov on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of PIR Center from the Minister of Defense of Russia Sergey K. Shoigu, April 30, 2014. 1.23. Congratulations to Vladimir A. Orlov, the President of ANO PIR Center, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of PIR Center founding from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey V. Lavrov, April 30, 2014. 1.24. First page from the Founder's interview "Kak Sobesednik na Piru" on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the PIR Center, with an overview of the organization's history, "Security Index" No. 3 (110), Vol. 20. Zvenigorod, June 8, 2014. 1.25. PIR Center presents such globes on its anniversaries to people and organizations that have distinguished themselves in nuclear nonproliferation issues. That one is given to Vladimir A. Orlov in the nomination "20 Years — Thank You for Being Alive". PIR Center, October 4, 2014. 1.26. Congratulations to the President, staff and experts of the PIR Center on the occasion of its 20th anniversary from the Rector of MGIMO University Anatoly V. Torkunov, 2014. 1.27. PIR Center delegation meets with Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly I. Churkin, New York, 2015. 1.28. Congratulations to Vladimir A. Orlov, the Head of the Center for Global Trends and International Organizations of the Diplomatic Academy, on the occasion of his Birthday Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Anatoly I. Antonov, October 4, 2016. 1.29. Letter of Gratitude to Vladimir A. Orlov from the Chairman of the Board of the Center for Strategic Research Alexey L. Kudrin, 2017. 1.30. Congratulations to Vladimir A. Orlov, the Head of the Center for Global Trends and International Organizations of the Diplomatic Academy, on the occasion of his 50th Birthday from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey V. Lavrov, October 4, 2018. « ‹ из 2 › »